Nagoni and Humanity

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The agreement about what we will consider real and what fiction or illusion is, is the basic starting point and dividing line of the world’s image. By agreeing in the 18th and 19th centuries that only what the five senses can recognize will be considered real, the scientific elite paved the way for unlimited dominance … Read more

Longing for change

In today’s world, many long for change. People want to see changes, they want a world that will know how to deal with burning issues, not only recognize them but also offer valid solutions and finally – solve them. We can quickly list the main questions that the world as a whole is facing today, … Read more

Theorem of Dignity

Mindfulness is the conscious and compassionate observation of the moment, without judgment or evaluation. Through regular practice of mindfulness, we can become aware of our own thoughts, emotions, and reactions, and learn how to accept and transform them in a positive way. Therefore, dignity is the ability to maintain internal discipline and use our awareness … Read more

What does God actually do?

“Some say, ‘Everything!’ Others say, ‘Nothing!’ Nietzsche said, ‘He is dead!’ Atheists say, ‘He doesn’t exist at all!’ Perhaps the question should be posed in a different way: not, what does God do, but rather what does He do with us? I tried to find Him on the cross of Christians, but He wasn’t there. … Read more

Spinoza – the destiny of a philosopher

What philosophy is and what possible benefits it can provide for modern individuals is not very obvious and understandable today. However, if we study it with a bit of humility, we will be able to see in it the original spirit of the search for wisdom. This means changing oneself, despite uncertainty and fear, developing … Read more

Jose Ortega y Gasset – The Revolt of the Masses

Jose Ortega y Gasset, the most famous Spanish philosopher of the 20th century, left behind a highly interesting body of work that touches on a wide range of topics that preoccupy the modern human. Born in 1883, he lived through all the important events that shaped the modern world, so his works represent an extremely … Read more

Philosophical Ecology

Today, as ecological issues arise on all sides, we are becoming more and more aware of how our natural environment is deteriorating. Our cities do not have clean air or drinking water necessary for a healthy life. Erosion and the transformation of fertile land into deserts are happening in many places on the planet, and … Read more

Ecology and Buddhism

“We need to develop a sense of general responsibility towards the various problems our planet is facing. Responsibility does not lie solely with the leaders of our countries or those appointed or elected to do a specific job. It lies with each and every one of us individually. Peace, for example, begins within each of … Read more

A Sound Mind in a Sound Body

When today someone says, “A sound mind in a sound body” (Mens sana in corpore sano), it does not primarily refer to mental health, but only to what promotes the vitality of the body, such as sports, recreation, exercise… It refers to taking care of the body, and mental health is just a physical state, … Read more

The Universe as an Answer

We often talk about stars, planets, animals, the sky, the earth, water, snow, but we forget the true meaning and significance of the word Universe. Man wonders about the overall nature to which he himself belongs, but usually loses sight of the basic idea that the question refers to. The word Universe denotes what strives … Read more