Meeting with a Good Person

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One day, Krishna wanted to test the wisdom of his friends. He first called upon King Duryodana, a ruler known for his cruelty and stinginess. In his kingdom, the subjects lived in fear. Krishna said to Duryodana: “Travel the world and find me a truly good person.” “Yes, my lord,” Duryodana replied, and set off … Read more

There is no king but God

When ordinary people come before the king, they say: “Long live the king forever!” Once, in ancient times, there lived a man who, upon coming to the court, always said: “There is no king but God.” He repeated the same sentence constantly, which greatly angered the king who eventually decided to kill him. The man … Read more

Do Not Forget the Suitcase

“Good man,” said a young disciple to Abbot Pastor, “my heart is filled with love for the world, and my soul is pure from the temptations of the evil one. What is my next step?” The abbot asked the disciple to accompany him to visit a sick person in need of final anointing. After consoling … Read more

The Best Religion

During a break at a round table discussion on the topic of religion and peace among nations, Brazilian theologian Leonardo Boff asked the Dalai Lama: “Your Holiness, which is the best religion?” The theologian expected an answer like “Tibetan Buddhism” or “Eastern religions, much older than Christianity,” but after a short pause, the Dalai Lama … Read more

Choice of Ruler

Once upon a time, there was a story about Pachacutec having to choose between two young men, potential rulers of a province in the Inca empire. Both were noblemen, wise and good, and he couldn’t decide between the two. However, he came up with a clever trick and said: “Let’s use magic. Here in my … Read more

Jagoda Truhelka

popis literature koju je čitala, Truhelka je uspjela stvoriti autentičan glas u svom pisanju. Njeni likovi često su bili dječaci i djevojčice koji su se suočavali s izazovima odrastanja i tražili ljepotu u svijetu oko sebe. Ono što je posebno istaknuto u Truhelkinoj prozi je njen pristup prirodi. Ona je vjerovala u ljepotu prirode i … Read more

August Šenoa – classic of Croatian literature

Šenoa represents a crucial pillar in the development of Croatian literature… He canonized the novel as a genre and cultivated an audience for whom the novel became a favorite read. He is an anticipator of our prose realism, the creator of Croatian historical novels, and as a speaker of the Kajkavian dialect, the creator of … Read more

Pansori – Korean Opera

Pansori is a traditional Korean form of musical storytelling in which a singer, soriggun, and a drummer, gosu, participate. The name pansori is a combination of the words pan, which means a place where people gather, and sori, which means sound or song. For Koreans, pansori represents not only an artistic form but also a … Read more

Music of the Heavenly Spheres

The sphere of music begins in ancient Greece with Pythagoras who, it is said, heard the harmony of sounds in the intervals of the octave, fifth, and fourth when he passed by a blacksmith’s workshop where hammers struck an anvil. This inspired him to discover the connection between vibration, frequency, and pitch. Pythagoras considered the … Read more

Education in Ancient Greece

Our current culture has grown out of the attitudes, ideas and institutions of ancient Greece. Academy, lyceum, gymnasium, school, educator, grammarian, and many other foundational concepts of today’s educational system were inherited from them, therefore it is understandable why the understanding of the concept of education should be sought in ancient Greece. The idea of … Read more