Gardens of the Islamic World

It contains an image related to the title of Gardens of the Islamic World

It was the middle of spring, nightingales were singing from the treetops. Roses bathed in pearly dew resembled the rosy cheeks of an angry dragon. Once darkness caught me in the garden, in the company of a friend of mine. The place was enchanting, tree branches intertwined; it seemed as if the earth was adorned … Read more

Hvar Popular Theatre

For those who want to climb there, a slippery path of thirty-two steps leads up. On its open side, the noble commander of the fleet had lanterns placed to chase away the darkness at the beginning of the night, when the crowd gathers to increase the number of spectators nestled in the high theater. It … Read more

Memoirs of Hadrian

javljen 1951. godine. Ovaj roman je iznimno vrijedan i originalan doprinos svjetskoj književnosti. Hadrijanove memoare su vrlo dojmljivo napisano djelo koje nas uvodi u svijet Rimskog Carstva i portretira život cara Hadrijana. Kroz memoare, Yourcenar nam daje dubok uvid u Hadrijanovu unutarnju borbu, njegove misli i osjećaje. Roman nam otkriva složene aspekte njegove ličnosti i … Read more

Pansori – Korean Opera

Pansori is a traditional Korean form of musical storytelling in which a singer, soriggun, and a drummer, gosu, participate. The name pansori is a combination of the words pan, which means a place where people gather, and sori, which means sound or song. For Koreans, pansori represents not only an artistic form but also a … Read more

Šibenik Cathedral

“When something from our imagination becomes reality, it seems ‘normal’ and ‘natural’ to us afterwards that it happened exactly as it did. However, countless examples throughout history prove that conservative and spiritually narrow-minded environments rejected creative projects – in any field – if they were extremely new and unconventional. The construction of St. James Cathedral … Read more

Hadrian’s Villa in Tivoli

In Tivoli, a town near Rome, there is one of the most beautiful residential buildings built during the long existence of the Roman Empire. On an area of ​​about a hundred hectares, more than thirty individual buildings of this unique urban complex were built, which, although devastated by centuries of looting and devastation, still show … Read more

Do we need tradition?

The word tradition comes from the Latin trans + dare: to hand over or transmit. It refers to the transfer of experiences that are at the foundations of every organized civilization. Today, however, tradition has become synonymous with something that is old-fashioned and outdated, merely an interesting remnant of the past that needs to be … Read more

Teotihuacán – The Place Where Gods Are Created

The greatest religious, artistic, commercial, and general urban center of Central America ever discovered is the magnificent metropolis of Teotihuacán. Located in the heart of the Mexican highlands, Teotihuacán extended its dominant influence throughout the entire so-called classical period, spreading hundreds of kilometers to areas that are now part of Guatemala and Honduras, integrating with … Read more

Sacsayhuaman – Stone Head of the Puma

North of Cuzco, the ancient capital of the Incas, at an elevation of about 3550 meters above sea level, almost five centuries after the downfall of the Inca empire, the magnificent walls of Sacsayhuaman (Saksaq Waman) still stand – a fortress that continues to amaze archaeologists, historians, and tourists with its dimensions and architectural style. … Read more

Nu Shu – Chinese Women’s Script

Although it is not common to divide letters based on the gender of those who use them, nu shu (women’s writing) deserves its name because it was exclusively used by women. Standard Chinese writing, one of the most interesting writing systems, was exclusively intended for men, meaning only boys could learn it. Girls and young … Read more