Photography and Philosophy

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Is there a connection between photography and philosophy? I believe there is and that this connection will play an important role in our still young XXI century. How? Pierre Poulain Philosophy is a very ancient concept. In translation, it means “love of wisdom”. We all seek wisdom, even though we are not always aware of … Read more

Memoirs of Hadrian

javljen 1951. godine. Ovaj roman je iznimno vrijedan i originalan doprinos svjetskoj književnosti. Hadrijanove memoare su vrlo dojmljivo napisano djelo koje nas uvodi u svijet Rimskog Carstva i portretira život cara Hadrijana. Kroz memoare, Yourcenar nam daje dubok uvid u Hadrijanovu unutarnju borbu, njegove misli i osjećaje. Roman nam otkriva složene aspekte njegove ličnosti i … Read more

Pansori – Korean Opera

Pansori is a traditional Korean form of musical storytelling in which a singer, soriggun, and a drummer, gosu, participate. The name pansori is a combination of the words pan, which means a place where people gather, and sori, which means sound or song. For Koreans, pansori represents not only an artistic form but also a … Read more


It seems that the time has passed when progress was thought to require severing ties with the past, which was seen as hindering that same progress. After tumultuous and difficult experiences in the past few centuries, it has been established that it is a misconception to equate material and technological progress with spiritual and moral … Read more

Symbolism of Animals in Alchemical Tradition

In a traditional sense, alchemy is a spiritual discipline. With its particular, mostly confusing procedures, it tries and succeeds in exploring the inner laws of human nature. Understanding man as a complex being of nature composed of multiple aspects (material and more subtle ones), alchemy seeks to connect and harmonize them. Although the alchemist deals … Read more

Viktor Frankl – In Search of Meaning – Part 1

Does life have meaning? Not long ago, this question was considered a sign of mental instability, a symptom of neurosis. A person who starts questioning the meaning of life is either sick or on the verge of a serious illness, Sigmund Freud said. When the illness is cured, the meaning will reveal itself. A healthy … Read more


When we say “I am aware of that” in everyday speech, we usually mean the awareness of experiencing a certain situation, feeling, thought, or action. Approximately within these frames, the definitions of contemporary psychology interpret consciousness. However, in ancient traditions, consciousness was understood much more complexly: simultaneously as the origin, process, and goal of the … Read more

Luck of Happiness

Although it is not possible to achieve complete happiness, we can strive for a state of balance or well-being that comes closest to it. In order to do this, we must know which factors influence unhappiness and happiness so that we can choose our actions in life correctly. Since ancient times, it has been recognized … Read more

Francis Bacon – About Infatuation

“Infatuation is more suited to the stage than to a human’s life. When it comes to the stage, love is always the subject of comedy, and only occasionally tragedy; in life, however, passionate love brings many troubles – sometimes as a seductress, sometimes as a shrew. You will notice that among all the great and … Read more

Erich Fromm – philosopher of love and freedom

Erich Fromm “Love is the only satisfactory response to the problem of human existence.” Philosopher, humanist, psychoanalyst, and social psychologist, Erich Pinchas Fromm was born on March 23, 1900 in Frankfurt on the Main, and was one of the leading intellectuals of his time. He comes from an extremely religious family of Orthodox Jews, and … Read more