Banyan Tree Fruit

It contains an image related to the title of Banyan Tree Fruit

The great sage Uddalaka Aruni had a son named Svetaketu. One day, the son returned home from school. His father realized that the knowledge from school was insufficient for teaching the most important lesson because the teachers lacked the inspiration and experience to lead the students to the realization of the ultimate truth. In order … Read more

Aristotle doesn’t know

Aristotle, who was the teacher of Alexander the Great, would often respond with “I do not know” to many questions asked by the courtiers. “Why does the king even pay you if you do not know anything?” asked one courtier. “The king pays me only for what I know,” replied Aristotle. “If he paid me … Read more

Photography and Philosophy

Is there a connection between photography and philosophy? I believe there is and that this connection will play an important role in our still young XXI century. How? Pierre Poulain Philosophy is a very ancient concept. In translation, it means “love of wisdom”. We all seek wisdom, even though we are not always aware of … Read more

Persian Poetry

ABOUT TRUTH I want to tell you one truth, I can sum it up in just two words: Through Your love, I will enter the Earth, Through Your love, I will exit the Earth. Abu Sa’id Abul Khayr (967 – 1049), the first Sufi writer who spoke about the mystical unity with God through the … Read more


The Flute of Infinity plays incessantly, and its sound is the sound of love. When love discards all limitations, it draws closer to truth. Its fragrance spreads far and wide! It has no end, nothing stands in its way. The shape of this music shines like thousands of suns: no other music can be compared … Read more

Jagoda Truhelka

popis literature koju je čitala, Truhelka je uspjela stvoriti autentičan glas u svom pisanju. Njeni likovi često su bili dječaci i djevojčice koji su se suočavali s izazovima odrastanja i tražili ljepotu u svijetu oko sebe. Ono što je posebno istaknuto u Truhelkinoj prozi je njen pristup prirodi. Ona je vjerovala u ljepotu prirode i … Read more

Ivan Meštrović – Eternity in Stone

“One must be in love with eternity for the work to at least be a shadow of it. Immortality is imprisoned within us like in a dungeon; we must release it into the light – into harmony with what is immortal around us and above us. That is inspiration, muse, and revelation. Ivan Meštrović” “In … Read more

Art and poetry of the bardic ideal

The term “bardic tradition” refers to the cultural, judicial, scientific, artistic, and religious institutional systems of Celtic and pre-Celtic peoples of Europe, dating back to at least the 7th century BCE. Records of this tradition can be found in the writings of Greek and Roman historians around the 1st century BCE. They mention three different … Read more

Library Interior

In ancient cultures, libraries were special places where a large number of selected and carefully preserved manuscripts, symbolic representations, and maps, written or engraved on different materials, were stored. They were usually part of a much larger separate complex within the city center for which we do not have a unique name today. These kind … Read more

Akbar – The Great Peacemaker

During the Renaissance, while Europe was experiencing a flourishing in all areas of knowledge, a man was born in India who, as the emperor of Hindustan, directed his efforts towards the realization of a bold social, political, and spiritual vision: the harmonious coexistence of different peoples and religions in his empire. His name was Abu’l-Fath … Read more