Buddha at the Wedding

It contains an image related to the title of Buddha at the Wedding

Once upon a time, there lived a man in Đambunada and as his wedding approached, he thought: If only the blessed Buddha would come to the celebration. And lo and behold, the Blessed One passed by his house, looked at him, and upon reading the groom’s desire in his heart, agreed to enter. When the … Read more

Every person is an artist

And you’re an artist too! Yesterday, I brought out my rosewood block flute again. Of course, I don’t play perfectly, my fingers are slow, and my tongue is heavy. I flip through the notes, play one piece and then another, and then I remember the pieces I used to know by heart… I let the … Read more


The Flute of Infinity plays incessantly, and its sound is the sound of love. When love discards all limitations, it draws closer to truth. Its fragrance spreads far and wide! It has no end, nothing stands in its way. The shape of this music shines like thousands of suns: no other music can be compared … Read more

Music, Society, Spirit

For many people living in the Western world today, the idea of music is associated with a very specific pop sound that is heard from various screens, devices, and advertisements. It is a kind of blending of musical tropes that have emerged from the mid to late 20th century (hip-hop, disco, punk, gangsta rap, stadium … Read more

Purple – The Royal Color

Colour generally evokes great joy in people. The eye needs it just as it needs light. Let us remember the feeling of excitement when, on gloomy days, the sun illuminates just a part of the landscape and shows us its colours… Each colour produces a specific impression on the mind and simultaneously appeals to the … Read more

Ivanjski krijesovi -> Midsummer bonfires

Beautiful Ivo is lighting a bonfire, Lighting a bonfire, playing a game. Playing a game, sweetly lamenting. Sweetly lamenting, dear one asks: – Whom have you loved, my dear? – I have loved my brother. Beautiful Ivo is lighting a bonfire on St. John’s Eve, on St. John’s Eve. (written in 1978 in Bukovica, Podravina) … Read more

Egyptian Festivals

The Chronicles from Edfu emphasize that the day of the establishment of the Temple of Horus, the day when he was “devoted to his teacher,” was a momentous occasion: the city was in celebration, hearts full of joy, and the entire surroundings were in a state of ecstasy; the sounds of this merriment spread through … Read more


Kindness is perhaps one of the ethical values ​​that we most appreciate in others and that we would most like to be surrounded by. Who wouldn’t love to be surrounded by people who are kind, friendly, caring, happy, considerate, respectful, and generous? Like all human virtues, kindness is expressed through actions. We can all recognize … Read more


Original etymological and conceptual meaning of the word “uljudnost” (courtesy in Spanish) comes from the concept of a court (corte in Spanish), a place where philosophers, artists, writers, politicians, economists, judges, doctors, and generally all experts and prominent individuals gathered in ancient times, whose role was to give opinions and make decisions within a state … Read more