The Shirt of the Happy Man

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A mighty king fell ill with a strange sickness and melancholy, and no longer knew what he loved or desired in this world. The great king began to wither away, and the court dignitaries and advisors were concerned and tried to figure out how to cure him of this affliction that struck both the poor … Read more

Key to Happiness

God felt lonely and wanted to find companionship. So, he decided to create beings that could keep him company. But one day, these beings found the key to happiness by following the path to the Divine and thus merged with Him. God was left sad, alone once again. He pondered. He thought it was time … Read more

Damon and Pythias

Damon and Pythias, initiates in the sacred Pythagorean wisdom, formed such a faithful friendship that when Dionysius, the ruler of Syracuse, decided to execute one of them, and he asked for permission to return home and settle his affairs before his death, the other did not hesitate to offer himself as a pledge for his … Read more

Buddha at the Wedding

Once upon a time, there lived a man in Đambunada and as his wedding approached, he thought: If only the blessed Buddha would come to the celebration. And lo and behold, the Blessed One passed by his house, looked at him, and upon reading the groom’s desire in his heart, agreed to enter. When the … Read more

Antisten – About Wealth

“Come now, said Socrates, tell us again, Antisthenes, how you pride yourself on wealth despite such a humble estate.” “For I believe, people, that wealth and poverty are not in the house, but in the soul! I see many who, despite having great wealth, consider themselves so poor that they accept any effort and danger … Read more

Harmony – the Unity of Diversity

Soul is a kind of harmony, a fusion of opposites, and man is a part of universal harmony. Filolaj, Aristoksen Harmony, the balance of diversity, is perhaps easiest to recognize in art and nature. Every harmonious artistic form speaks to our hearts because Harmony is always where Love is… W. A. Mozart said: “I gather … Read more

Rudyard Kipling and the Law of the Jungle

Experiences gained before puberty are deeply ingrained in our personality and stay with us for a lifetime, while imagination and dreams are the invisible fabric of our being and often the main drivers of our actions. That is why children’s literature plays a significant role in shaping character and attitudes towards value systems. Great writers … Read more

Jagoda Truhelka

popis literature koju je čitala, Truhelka je uspjela stvoriti autentičan glas u svom pisanju. Njeni likovi često su bili dječaci i djevojčice koji su se suočavali s izazovima odrastanja i tražili ljepotu u svijetu oko sebe. Ono što je posebno istaknuto u Truhelkinoj prozi je njen pristup prirodi. Ona je vjerovala u ljepotu prirode i … Read more

Hans Christian Andersen.

My life is a beautiful story, happy and full of events. It’s as if, when I was a boy and ventured into the world, poor and without friends, a good fairy met me and said: “Choose your own life path now, and what you will strive for, and I will guide and protect you until … Read more

Haiku Poetry

…It is important for your spirit to be elevated in the world of true understanding, while not forgetting the value of what is ordinary. Always seek the truth of beauty, always return to the world of ordinary experience… Basho Haiku poetry, like other aspects of Japanese culture, is deeply infused with Zen. What is Zen? … Read more