Broken vessels

It contains an image related to the title of Broken vessels

There is a beautiful Hindu story about the beauty and usefulness of cracks. Throughout our lives, we allow the freshest and most creative parts of our being to pass through them. The main character of the story is a water bearer from India who carried two large pots hanging from each end of a stick … Read more

Desired price…

A man is standing at the fair selling vases. A woman approaches and browses the merchandise. Some pieces are plain, while others are intricately decorated. The woman asks about the price of the vases. To her surprise, she finds out they all cost the same. – How can an embellished vase cost the same as … Read more

The Abyss of Memory

One old Chinese sage was walking across the snowy field when he noticed a woman crying. – Why are you crying? – he asked. – Because I remember the past, my youth, the beauty I saw in the mirror, the people I loved. God was cruel to me because He gave me memory. He knew … Read more

The Great Dreamer Edward Burne-Jones

The works of one of the last pre-Raphaelites impress not only with their rich variety, as they include painting, tapestry, and stained glass, but also with their unique, mysterious beauty. Born in the industrial city of Birmingham, Burne-Jones witnessed the strong development of 19th-century Britain, its heavy industry, and flourishing materialism. His response to this … Read more

Art and Beauty

Art represents an exciting world to contemplate, with a plethora of nuances, suggestive and simultaneously profound, yet due to its nature, this world is difficult to grasp from a rational and logical perspective. What to say to someone who excitedly observes the work of the sculptor Antonio Canova, elevated by the sound of a flute … Read more

Every person is an artist

And you’re an artist too! Yesterday, I brought out my rosewood block flute again. Of course, I don’t play perfectly, my fingers are slow, and my tongue is heavy. I flip through the notes, play one piece and then another, and then I remember the pieces I used to know by heart… I let the … Read more

About Beauty

Recently, I have been contemplating the ability to perceive beauty and meaning. In order to perceive anything, it is necessary to develop our sensory organs. We have developed eyes to see. Without ears, sound waves would be elusive to us. If someone were to talk to us about pleasant and unpleasant smells, we wouldn’t know … Read more

Untouchable Beauty

Let’s try to unveil the beauty a little bit. Aesthetics, as the science of art and beauty, is a relatively new term that has been used since Kant and Hegel, although it’s actually older. It is a traditional philosophical discipline, a quest and dedication to studying art as a relationship with the divine, beauty, truth, … Read more

The Magic of Ancient Art

e. Za neke, umjetnost može biti samo apstrakcija ili gomila linija i boja, dok za druge može biti dubok doživljaj emocija i misli. Bez obzira na naše individualne interpretacije, umjetnost nam omogućava da se povežemo s drugim ljudima i s ljudskim iskustvom na općenitiji način. Ona nas pokreće, potiče na razmišljanje, i nadilazi granice jezika … Read more

Puppets and Marionettes – Origin, Symbolism, and History

What is the art of puppets and marionettes? Art is the expression of beauty and if beauty, as Plato says, reflects the archetype or idea of beauty, then the art of marionettes contains within it the beauty of image, text, music, and harmony of the entire performance. True art carries a profound message that speaks … Read more