Art and Beauty

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Art represents an exciting world to contemplate, with a plethora of nuances, suggestive and simultaneously profound, yet due to its nature, this world is difficult to grasp from a rational and logical perspective. What to say to someone who excitedly observes the work of the sculptor Antonio Canova, elevated by the sound of a flute … Read more

Untouchable Beauty

Let’s try to unveil the beauty a little bit. Aesthetics, as the science of art and beauty, is a relatively new term that has been used since Kant and Hegel, although it’s actually older. It is a traditional philosophical discipline, a quest and dedication to studying art as a relationship with the divine, beauty, truth, … Read more

Indian poetry

Oh, Infinite! There is an old bond between you and me; a tight bond forged by poets. Namdev (1270 – 1350) Poetry is undoubtedly one of the witnesses of the human spirit and life. Every valuable poem opens up a landscape through which we encounter the elements of life’s reality. We strive to experience them … Read more

Classical Journey: Music and Life

Beauty is an eternity that is reflected in the mirror. But you are both eternity and a mirror. Kahlil Gibran Whether it’s dawn or dusk, it doesn’t matter if we look at them or not. They will still be beautiful whether we observe and recognize them or not. From this follows that there is an … Read more

The Significance of Symbols – Foundation of Human Order

In an effort to avoid everything incomprehensible to the mind at any cost, and by resorting to reductionist methods, man is now suffering the consequences: Homo sapiens has paradoxically produced Homo barbaricusa and has become a victim of the return to barbarism. Technology, comfort, material prosperity, and all achievements in that regard cannot create a … Read more

Symbolism of the Sword

dugi. Na primjer, mač Excalibur pripadao je kralju Arthuru, dok je mač Durandal pripadao vitezovi Rolandu. Ovi mačevi su imali posebnu snagu i čaroliju koja je pomogla njihovim vlasnicima u njihovim zastrašujućim bitkama. , “his life” and his power. The most famous ones are: Excalibur – the sword of King Arthur, Balmung – the famous … Read more


Assyrian Lamassu, a winged bull with a human head (421 BC) The Greek sphinx is a demon of destruction who poses certain questions to those who approach it and devours anyone in its path. Its name, according to one interpretation, comes from the Greek word sphingo (to squeeze, strangle), which indicates its demonic nature. According … Read more

Similarity and Art

Vibration is motion trapped in form. Juan Llongueras In nature, there is a principle connected to the old axiom of hermetism: As above, so below. This is the principle of correspondence. The same laws that are expressed on a grand scale also appear on a small scale, transcending all levels of manifestation and allowing us, … Read more


Mandalas, as complex symbols, originated in the cultural tradition of tantric Buddhism, but the fundamental idea of the mandala is not solely limited to the Far East. It is present in the architecture, art, and philosophy of all cultures throughout human history, making the concept of connecting the divine and human worlds into a harmonious … Read more

Tibetan Demons

Your own consciousness, brilliant, empty and inseparable from the Great body of radiation, knows neither birth nor death. It is boundless light – Buddha Amitabha. Bardo Thödol The depiction of Buddha calmly sitting in meditation is recognizable even to those who know little about Buddhism. However, early Buddhist art did not depict Buddha as a … Read more