Spartan Teaching on Fear

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Sparta has always been considered a special form of Greek culture. Unlike their Greek counterparts, who are remembered for their masterpieces of art and philosophy, Spartans are remembered for their unique way of life. Warfare, the pursuit of honor, courage, and the desire to be better enabled Sparta to be the leading power in the … Read more

Philosophical Ecology

Today, as ecological issues arise on all sides, we are becoming more and more aware of how our natural environment is deteriorating. Our cities do not have clean air or drinking water necessary for a healthy life. Erosion and the transformation of fertile land into deserts are happening in many places on the planet, and … Read more

Seneca – On True Joy that Comes from Philosophy

The philosophical movement of Stoicism is divided into early, middle, and late Stoicism. Late Stoicism is the final light of ancient philosophy, eclectic and vibrant. Seneca (4th century BC – 65 AD) beautifully said: I will always mention Epicurus to you, so that all those who invoke the words spoken by others know that what … Read more