About Humanity
It is important to keep in mind that the moral qualities of people do not differ much from country to country on average.
Failure and poverty are the best educators and purifiers.
After a certain age, reading too much distracts the mind from its creative potential. Anyone who reads too much and uses their own brain too little falls into the lazy habit of thinking, just as a person who spends too much time in the theater is tempted to satisfy themselves by living someone else’s life instead of their own.
Doing “good” (in an ethical sense) is difficult to achieve in reality. For me, something creative done with love is “good” done.
The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the extent to which they have achieved liberation from themselves.
All religions, arts, and sciences are branches of the same tree. All these aspirations aim to enrich human life, lifting it from the realm of mere physical existence and leading it towards freedom.
That’s my thought. It is lazy to say that the characteristic of our time is the perfection of means and the vagueness of goals.
We humans generally live in the illusion of the security of life by the hearth, in a reliable and pleasant physical and human environment. However, when the daily rhythm is disrupted, we realize that we are like shipwrecked people trying to balance on a weak plank in the open sea, forgetting where we came from and not knowing how to steer.
There is no greater satisfaction for a fair and well-intentioned person than the realization that they have dedicated their best energy to serving a good cause.
A large part of our beliefs is conditioned by opinions and emotions that we unconsciously adopt as children from our environment. In other words, tradition – apart from inherited predispositions and traits – is what makes us who we are… We must try to recognize what in the tradition we accept harms our destiny and dignity – and shape our lives accordingly.
Acting intelligently in human relationships is only possible if we try to To understand the thoughts, motives, and anxieties of our opponents so fully that we can see the world through their eyes. All well-intentioned people should make an effort to contribute as much as possible to improving such mutual understanding.
If an individual were left to himself from birth, he would remain primitive and animal-like in his thoughts and feelings… The individual is what he is… based on being a member of the great human community that guides his material and spiritual existence from the cradle to the grave.
Hats off to the person who has lived his life helping others, without knowing fear, and for whom rudeness and bitterness are unknown. That is the material from which great moral leaders are made.
About Life
Life does not coddle anyone. However, happiness lies in our ability to to some extent transcend our own unpleasant limitations and focus on objective matters that surpass life’s adversities.
Life in service of an idea can be good if that idea gives life and frees the individual from the constraints of mere existence. his shackles, but without pushing into another form of slavery. Science and art can act in that way, but they can also lead to enslavement or unhealthy indulgence and distortion. However, I would not dispute the opinion that these efforts lead to an inability to cope with life. After all, even water can be fatal if you drown in it.
(To his son Eduardo, December 23, 1927.)
The best things in life involve having a clear understanding of the interconnection of things.
Life is a magnificent tapestry. The individual is just a tiny thread in the vast and wondrous pattern.
Our situation here on Earth is strange. Each of us comes for a short visit, not knowing why, although sometimes we think we have a hint… There is one thing we know: humans are here for other humans.
Only a life lived for others is a life worth living.
The purpose of an individual’s life is only meaningful insofar as it helps make the life of every living being more noble and beautiful. Life is sacred, that is, it is the supreme value to which all other things are subordinate. Stale subordinate values.
Life focused primarily on fulfilling personal desires will always, sooner or later, lead to bitter disappointment.
About death
This existence is brief, like a short visit to someone else’s house. The path that needs to be crossed is poorly lit by flickering consciousness, whose center is limiting and separating “I”… When a group of individuals becomes “we,” a harmonious whole, they have reached as high as humans can reach.
For someone burdened by years, death will come as liberation. I feel this very strongly now that I have grown old myself and have begun to see death as an old debt that will finally be repaid. Nevertheless, instinctively, everything possible is done to postpone the final reckoning. This is the game that Nature plays with us.
Observe nature, and then you will understand it better.
Source: The Ultimate Quotable Einstein, Alice Calaprice