What is imagination?

f the most powerful tools we possess as human beings. It is not just a means of escaping reality or indulging in whimsical thoughts; it has the potential to elevate our consciousness beyond the limitations of the material world and connect us with the spiritual dimensions.

In our modern Western society, imagination is often seen as a desirable but nonessential attribute. We value it for its ability to help us create new inventions or artistic works, but we tend to overlook its significance in dealing with the everyday challenges of life. Imagination cannot conjure up bread or money to pay our bills, and in times of crisis, we are advised to stay grounded and face reality head-on.

However, ancient wisdom reminds us that imagination is more than just a flight of fancy. It has the power to shape our reality and manifest our desires. By tapping into the depths of our imagination, we can visualize our goals and aspirations, and in doing so, we open ourselves up to new possibilities and opportunities. Imagination is not just a fleeting thought; it is a force that can transform our lives if we harness it properly.

So, let us embrace the power of imagination, not just as a source of entertainment or escapism, but as a tool for personal and spiritual growth. Let us allow our minds to wander beyond the confines of the material world and explore the realms of possibility. Through imagination, we can transcend the limitations of our existence and connect with something greater than ourselves. The most important and necessary attributes of the human psyche, without which progress for mankind would not be possible, not just in the fields of art or science, but also in self-realization. In order to understand this, we must distance ourselves from the modern view of the world and observe life and existence through the eyes of ancient sages.

For a person living in the 20th century, it is common to only accept this physical world as reality. On the other hand, psychic experiences such as dreams or imagination, which show us that human consciousness can distance itself from the apparent reality, are considered creations of the human mind, subconsciousness, or simply fabrications. We know even less about how to use them in everyday life.

In the philosophical tradition of ancient cultures and civilizations, there is no duality between the spiritual and physical dimensions. Both are parts of the same reality, the beginning and end of the same river of life. And just as the river is purest at its source and loses its purity as it flows towards its mouth, the spiritual world closest to us is also purest. The Creator’s thoughts contain the purest vibrations of life, archetypes, or ideas that manifest themselves in matter as a solid form. For this reason, to ancient peoples, the spiritual world represents a model, a template to organize life on Earth. This is why the ancient Egyptians spoke of a heavenly Egypt existing in the spiritual dimension, a faithful replica of which should be built on Earth. In every aspect of their lives, from architecture to social relations, they strived to express the idea of Egypt as faithfully as possible in the material world.

Let us not forget that humans are the only living beings capable of consciously changing the world in which they live. They can make it better or worse; they can create an accurate picture of the pure ideas of the spiritual world, but also the opposite. This gives us great responsibility because humans are the ones who choose how to act. If they do not know themselves and their potential well enough, their choices can be wrong, and their actions can be in opposition to the laws of nature.

What is imagination?

Someone may wonder: “If our dreams exist in the spiritual world as pure ideas, why can’t we achieve all the rosy fantasies we dream about?”

In order for an idea to be brought into reality and thus become a work of imagination, consciousness must go through three phases that together make up the process of daydreaming:

Each phase requires focus, vigilant attention, and great dedication because errors are possible in each of them. If we consider the first phase, we will see that we spend most of our lives preoccupied with everyday problems. Consciousness is focused on what we experience, feel, think, want, in short, we are focused on ourselves. Figuratively speaking, we live horizontally in the dimension of the material world. From it, we receive stimuli and send our responses to those stimuli. To break free from this horizontal mindset and direct our consciousness vertically into the world of ideas, we can only do so by detaching ourselves from our self-centeredness. In other words, egocentrism and selfishness need to be replaced. “To marry with the power of higher emotions, selflessness, dedication, love, sacrifice, those feelings that will give energy to our consciousness to break through the barriers of the material world and come into contact with ideas. This is true inspiration, true inspiration thanks to which Michelangelo was able to paint the Sistine Chapel for twenty years, and Beethoven to compose despite his deafness. Only in this way can we awaken the soul of the idea and experience it in our psyche as feelings and thoughts.

In the second phase, the idea slowly arises in a person’s psyche. At first, they are just shadows, outlines of something that we cannot clearly define, restlessness of anticipation and seeking, which slowly turn into concrete feelings and thoughts. Clear mental representation of the idea is created and we begin to plan its realization.
However, in order for the idea to be faithfully reflected, the psyche must be calm and in a receptive state. If it is disturbed, preoccupied with passing moods or desires that capture our attention and guide our actions, the image of the idea will be deformed, and transforming into an image of ourselves. For example, if an artist is preoccupied with the desire to succeed and gain approval from the audience, regardless of how strong the initial inspiration may be, their desire for success will guide them in the realization, and they will create a work that reflects their desire, rather than the original idea.

According to traditional philosophy, the psyche is the connection between the spiritual and material worlds, a communication channel through which the power of the spirit is transmitted into matter, and it must be like a pure mirror, like the surface of a calm lake. If the mirror is dirty or the water is disturbed, the reflection we will see will be distorted. Calming the psyche means controlling emotions and thoughts, not succumbing to passing desires and moods that drain our energy and prevent contact with the spiritual world.

The final stage of the imagination process is creating a solid form in which the idea will live in matter. In order for an idea to remain alive in the transient world of matter, the form into which we have transferred it must be perfectly precise. događaje zamagljuju. Iluzije, kao plod fantazije, stvaraju prividnu realnost koja nas udaljava od istine. One nas mame svojom privlačnošću, ali nas istovremeno drže zarobljenima u lažnom svijetu. Ponekad se naša stvarnost čini sivom i dosadnom u usporedbi s iluzijama koje maštamo, ali to je samo privid. Istinsko ispunjenje ne dolazi iz imaginarnih svjetova, već iz življenja u skladu s istinom i vlastitim vrijednostima.

Pravo blago je unutar nas

Umjesto da lutamo labirintom vanjskih želja, trebali bismo se okrenuti prema unutarnjem blagu koje nosimo u sebi. To može biti naša kreativnost, ljubav prema bližnjima, sposobnosti koje smo razvili, ljepota trenutka koji živimo. To su stvarna i trajna bogatstva koja nitko ne može oduzeti. Jednom kad naučimo cijeniti i koristiti ovo blago, prestajemo biti ovisni o materijalnim stvarima i fantazijama. Postajemo slobodni da živimo autentičan život, ispunjen svježinom i unutarnjim mirom.

Behavior and action become a reflection of such a state of mind. Desires are formed as a result of fantasies which, instead of the world of eternal ideas, reflect the psychological world of humans. Therefore, these images lack the power of inspiration, as they belong to the world of illusion. These desires can range from completely impossible, like the desire for the sun to rise in the west, to those that can be fulfilled, but their realization will not bring true happiness. How many times have we suddenly lost the value of something we strongly desired once we finally achieved it, because the outcome that we created is a product of our earthly personality, a form of transient value, just like the transient world from which it was born. The goal is not to negate the value of desires, as they are a normal consequence of the world we live in and everyone has them. However, it is foolish to spend our whole lives satisfying them. If we evaluate the importance and motives behind each desire with a clear mind, we may realize that many of them are meaningless because they are not a result epolje umjetnosti osvježava dušu i pokreće nas da razmišljamo i osjećamo na dubljoj razini.

Iluzije nas sve okružuju i često nam služe kao bijeg od stvarnosti. No, važno je razlikovati iluziju od stvarnosti i biti svjestan da su naše stvarne potrebe temelj našeg postojanja. Ako se zagledamo u iluzije i živimo u njima, možemo propustiti prilike za ispunjenje svojih pravih potreba i potratiti svoju životnu energiju na putovanju koje nas neće dovesti do zadovoljstva.

Neke od tih iluzija su plod ideologija koje se šire i kontroliraju naš um već duže vrijeme. Kroz povijest smo svjedočili kolektivnim nastojanjima da se ostvare nečije fantazije, što je često rezultiralo tragičnim posljedicama. Važno je da budemo svjesni tih iluzija i da se borimo protiv njih kako bismo sačuvali vlastitu mentalnu slobodu.

Umjetnost je područje gdje se često susrećemo s granicom između mašte i fantazije. Nažalost, današnja umjetnost često gubi svoj pravi smisao i postaje profanirana. Kriteriji vrednovanja umjetničkih djela su postali nejasni i relativni, te je teško razlikovati što je zaista umjetnost, a što nije. Primjerice, u slikarstvu se traži “duboki” smisao apstraktnog platna, na koncertima slušamo disonantne zvukove, a filmska umjetnost nas bombardira slikama nasilja i brutalnosti. Šokantnost je postala jedan od glavnih kriterija vrijednosti, iako nas sve manje toga može doista šokirati. Pravo umjetničko djelo je ono koje prenosi vječnu ideju ljepote u materijalni svijet. Takva umjetnost obogaćuje naš duh i potiče nas na dublje razmišljanje i osjećanje.

It does not shock or evoke nervousness or disgust, but possesses the power and values that enrich and make this world a little better.
Developing Imagination
In order to develop our imagination, our psyche must be capable of performing its task, which means it must become a navigable communication channel between the Spirit and the body. This is impossible to achieve if we are not able to control our thoughts and feelings.
How to achieve this? First and foremost, we need to reassess all the attitudes and opinions that are not authentically ours, but a result of the influences of the environment we live in. This does not mean nihilistically rejecting everything we believed in, but reconsidering the value of those convictions. It is necessary to develop our own, independent thinking so that our attitudes reflect our conscious understanding. On the other hand, constant practice is necessary to prevent unstable, especially negative feelings from dominating our thoughts and activities. We should avoid negative emotional states that consume us, and instead focus on Awakening the power of true love.

On one graffiti, someone wrote:

“The world depends on the young?

No, thanks!”

Indeed, considering the current state of mind, the future may appear grim. However, let us not forget that what we do now will bear fruit in the future. Our future is the result of our current creative ability to imagine. The ideas we breathe life into today will become our reality tomorrow.