Let’s open a door – let’s make the best ideas ours

Can we think completely independently, without any influence? I don’t think anyone can. However, we can accept ideas from others that align so closely with our own that we begin to feel them as our own. We can adopt ideas, thoughts, and beliefs that we believe are the best fit for us. When it comes … Read more

What makes an adventure an adventure?

The world is waiting, it’s summer, let’s embark on an adventure! In those moments, we can’t wait to finally step out of our usual environment, preferably for a longer period of time or at least for an extended weekend or two… But why do we want to get away from home, even if only briefly? … Read more

Literacy in the World and Croatia

As an expression of a person’s need to record the reality that surrounds them, writing has always been a fundamental characteristic of every civilization. Although the age of written sources is estimated to be over five thousand years, it is astonishing to note that there are currently around 774 million illiterate individuals in the world, … Read more

Albert Einstein – about humanity, life, and death

About Humanity It is important to keep in mind that the moral qualities of people do not differ much from country to country on average. Failure and poverty are the best educators and purifiers. After a certain age, reading too much distracts the mind from its creative potential. Anyone who reads too much and uses … Read more