On the Wings of Jonathan Seagull

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Richard Bach is said to be a mysterious man about whom little is known. He was born in 1936 in the American state of Illinois, in the same town where Ernest Hemingway was born and raised. Flying became his hobby at the age of seventeen, which later turned into a profession. He also served as … Read more

Library Interior

In ancient cultures, libraries were special places where a large number of selected and carefully preserved manuscripts, symbolic representations, and maps, written or engraved on different materials, were stored. They were usually part of a much larger separate complex within the city center for which we do not have a unique name today. These kind … Read more


In the hinterland of Zadar, southeast of Benkovac, is located one of the most important Liburnian, later Roman settlements in that area – Asseria. Asseria is surrounded by a stone ring with a length of about 2.5 kilometers, whose megalithic walls reach up to 7 meters in height and 3 meters in width. The weight … Read more

Zen – The Art of Living

An attempt to explain women should be freed from demands and expectations, because every attempt to write about a woman is limited by rational discourse. To truly learn something about a woman and have a direct benefit from it in our life, we must empty our minds and be open to the new, as in … Read more

Lao Tzu – Tao Te Ching: The Book of Path and Virtue

Even the largest tree starts from a small seed. Even the tallest tower starts from a pile of earth. Even the longest journey starts with the first step. However, in the middle of the first millennium BCE, China was hit by political and social unrest. Traditional values gradually lost their original meaning and no longer … Read more

Maria Montessori – Formation of the Human Being

Dr. Maria Montessori (1870 – 1952), famous for her pedagogical approach that changed the prevailing view of children and childhood, known as the Montessori method, is also recognized as the first woman in Italy to obtain a medical degree despite prejudices. Her method emerged from the need to help children living on the streets, with … Read more

Philosophy – the great teacher

They say that philosophy is impractical and serves no purpose. However, we will respond to that: big questions, big uncertainties… where can we find answers to them? What do we do with what suddenly overwhelms us when we find ourselves alone with ourselves: why life, why death, why pain, why do we age, why do … Read more

Philosophy in Ancient Egypt

It is commonly believed that the Egyptians did not have philosophy and that philosophy began with the ancient Greeks. However, some of the greatest Greek philosophers, including Thales, Pythagoras, and Plato, have stated that they owe much of their knowledge and ideas to the Egyptian sages. For example, Plato spent thirteen years studying under Egyptian … Read more

Albert the Great

The divine truth lies beyond the reach of our understanding, we ourselves cannot attain it until it decides to reveal itself; for as Augustine says, it is that inner teacher without whom the external teacher strives futilely. Although the Middle Ages are described as a dark age, marked by a lack of universal orientation and … Read more

Ice rink

Skating Rink While attempting to skate at the Washington Sculpture Garden, I experienced one of those wonderful moments where we recognize that life speaks to us through seemingly ordinary situations. Observing happy faces – of all ages, nationalities, and skin colors – twirling around, I couldn’t help but admire the beauty of humanity and wonder … Read more