
In the hinterland of Zadar, southeast of Benkovac, is located one of the most important Liburnian, later Roman settlements in that area – Asseria.

Asseria is surrounded by a stone ring with a length of about 2.5 kilometers, whose megalithic walls reach up to 7 meters in height and 3 meters in width. The weight of the megaliths themselves ranges from 0.5 to 5 tons, with dimensions ranging from 1 to 4 meters in length, 0.5 to 1 meter in height, and 1 to 2 meters in width. This area is still largely unexplored and of unknown age, although it is believed to date back to the 2nd millennium BC.

But how did Asseria go from being a Liburnian settlement to a true Roman municipium? Fertile soil, livestock farming that allowed for surplus production, a position on a hill that provided visibility over a large area, and above all, a favorable transportation position, are the foundations of the prosperity of a settlement. Namely, Asseria was located at the intersection of roads that radiated from the city in all directions, connecting the coast with the hinterland and further with distant regions. I greet the hinterland behind Velebit. Asseria was also crossed by a road that connected the ancient city of Zadar with Salona, the center of the Dalmatia province. Trade was very strong and lively, Asseria served as a passage for products from coastal cities, from the eastern Mediterranean, the Italian area, and North Africa, to the areas beyond Velebit, Lika, Gorski Kotar, and beyond. The settlement with developed trade, roads, economy, and crafts was a very attractive place for the Romans, so Italian immigrants settled in Asseria immediately after the establishment of Roman rule.

Cippi are cylindrical monuments with a cap covered in scales. On the outer part, there is an inscription field with basic information about the deceased, such as their name, social status, public functions held, the deceased’s family, magical formulas, curses, gratitude, and similar. A carved pinecone, or pine, was regularly placed on top of the cippus. The symbol of the pinecone is present in almost all cultures around the world. The yew tree. As an evergreen plant, it is a symbol of eternal youth and immortality. In Roman religion, it appears in several cults, mostly in Anatolia, and because of its symbolism, it often appears on Roman tombstones. It was believed to ward off evil influences and protect the body of the deceased from decay. Unfortunately, they are rarely preserved, but it seems that they were placed on every cypress tree.

The crises and stagnation that affected the entire Roman Empire from the 3rd to the 5th century also had an impact on life in Asseria. Like many other centers, Asseria never managed to recover and was almost completely abandoned during the 6th and 7th centuries.

Asseria is, in a way, an example of a cosmopolitan community. Here, during at least 1100 years of the city’s existence, the population of different origins and the cultural achievements of the indigenous population intertwined with everything that Greek and then Roman culture provided.

It is precisely in this mutual intermingling of cultures and populations that we can seek It is a beautiful example of how re-discovering the details of people’s lives, with whom we share the same space, can breathe new life into an ancient settlement. In this role of observer of history, cultural heritage, and changes, it is difficult not to wonder about our place and role on that long bridge of time. Nevertheless, we are indirectly inheritors of the spirit of their time and culture. Original text (Croatian):
“Uvijek se veselim svojim putovanjima. Istinski sam zaljubljenik u istraživanje novih mjesta, upoznavanje različitih kultura i susretanje s raznolikim ljudima. Svojim putovanjima ne tražim samo avanturu i zabavu, već i mogućnost da proširim svoje vidike i naučim nešto novo. Za mene, putovanja su prilika da se izvučem iz svoje uobičajene rutine i otvorim um za nove ideje i perspektive. Putovanje mi donosi osjećaj slobode i uzbuđenja, a svaka nova destinacija predstavlja neograničene mogućnosti za istraživanje i otkrivanje. Uvijek se osjećam vitalno i sretno kad sam na putu, jer mi to pomaže da steknem nove perspektive, proširim svoje horizonte i dublje razumijem svijet oko sebe. Putovanje za mene nije samo fizičko kretanje s jednog mjesta na drugo, već i duhovno putovanje koje me obogaćuje i inspirira.”

“I always look forward to my trips. I am a true enthusiast of exploring new places, getting to know different cultures, and meeting diverse people. Through my travels, I seek not only adventure and fun but also the opportunity to broaden my horizons and learn something new. For me, travel is a chance to break free from my usual routine and open my mind to new ideas and perspectives. It brings me a sense of freedom and excitement, with each new destination offering boundless opportunities for exploration and discovery. I always feel alive and happy while traveling, as it helps me gain new perspectives, expand my horizons, and gain a deeper understanding of the world around me. Traveling for me is not just physical movement from one place to another, but also a spiritual journey that enriches and inspires me.”