The truth is that we all need a reason to give direction to life.
The key lies in seeking good reasons and stable roots.
This topic can be observed from two perspectives:
being motivated or being unmotivated. We hear both expressions every day, in different situations and in relation to many aspects of life.
Motivation or lack of motivation affects everyone, including those who have the opportunity to pursue the philosophical ideal of learning but fail to maintain a sense of purpose to turn that ideal into a happy and lasting way of life.
What is motivation?
It is a motive, a cause that leads us to action at any level.
The body has obvious motives to move, but the most interesting causes are those that trigger emotions and the mind.
Generally, emotions and the mind seek pleasure and avoid worries: these are the two biggest and most elusive psychological motivations.
We say we are motivated when there are things we like, that urge us to attain them, that cause a sense of bliss. guesting, satisfaction, and, especially, respect for others. Achieving what we have set out motivates us to continue our actions.
On the other hand, we say that we are unmotivated when there is no incentive that drives us to act, either because we do not see immediate results or because we are demoralized by some failure.
Motivation and lack of motivation thus become factors that determine our behavior, our gestures, our way of speech, and even our approach to life.
Lack of motivation
It is expressed as discouragement, a feeling of powerlessness in the face of difficulties, a lack of energy to make decisions, a loss of enthusiasm, hopelessness about the future.
Although there may have been high expectations at first, as time goes by and dreams based on fantasy fade, and the will is frustrated by the expectation of external success, the causes of motivation disappear.
The societies in which we live partly suffer from a lack of motivation because they rely too much on false and superficial psychological stimuli, because they “People are being deceived by suggesting that success comes from buying products from a specific manufacturer, taking miraculous medicines, or following fashion trends.
This results in the emergence of many “bitter people” around the world, partly annoyed by the number of lies we are surrounded by, like a magic spell that is difficult to avoid, and partly disappointed by the lack of opportunities, i.e. valid ideas to face existential life difficulties.
The prevailing false values mean that persistent effort has been replaced by easy success; work has been replaced by entertainment, healthy activities by stress, researching by gossip, studying by learning only as much as necessary to get by.
Today, the immediate prevails over the lasting. We are encouraged to live in the present, but not with present awareness, but to seek refuge in the unconscious in order to avoid responsibilities and difficulties.
The past is seen as a series of failures, and we do not perceive the future in a much better light…
Such an attitude encourages people” stop start/end translate our inner and outer motivation, The truth is that we all need a reason that will give direction to life. The key lies in seeking good reasons and stable roots. If motivation comes from others, if it is external, we will live in a state of eternal dependence. The world around us will become an atmospheric phenomenon that will determine our sunny and stormy days, our joys and our anxieties. Not to mention our dependence on other people whom we consider the motive and reason for our behavior. Unfortunately, external motivations are transient and unstable and are not useful as a basis for life. Jorge A. Livraga said: “Dreams die when they are allowed to die, when we rely solely on external motivations to” We are fed by: if there are people who bring us joy, we are happy, if those people are not present, we lose our energy: if the circumstances are favorable, we feel brave, but if things veer off course, we falter. In this way, we do not live our dreams and do not express enthusiasm. This is how a person becomes mostly a shadow or a reflection of someone else’s enthusiasm and dreams, a reflection of circumstances and a smile of approval from anyone who happens to be around in that moment.”
The best motivation is the ideal of life that fuels all our abilities, that fulfills our entire being.
Internal motivation arises from our ideas and feelings that we have chosen and adopted through the process of learning and decision-making, experience, and looking towards the future. These are states of consciousness that are not based solely on satisfying basic needs, but surpass instincts, senses, trivial emotions, or ideas that are currently in fashion.
The best motivation is the ideal of life that fuels all our abilities, that fulfills our entire being, and offers us short-term No, by giving useful, strong, and effective meaning to our actions, we can achieve short-term, medium-term, and long-term goals.
Psychological motivations and philosophical motivations
Psychological motivations are short-term because they depend on the instability and transience of emotions, whether they are our own or someone else’s. If we place emphasis on emotions in our own lives, it is very easy for a period of motivation to be followed by a period of demotivation, which will leave traces of negativity on our personality. On the other hand, if we embrace philosophical values, we will be able to understand the great ideas that have shaped history, and have inspired historical figures who continue to shine like lighthouses on the path.
Philosophy is a lasting motivation because the search for wisdom is a journey that will never end and, on the contrary, represents goals that are constantly renewed, constant opportunities for correction and renewal, for learning and experience, for affirmation and happiness.
Let’s start from the external to the internal and transform about motivation into causes, causes into roots, roots into foundations, foundations into goals, goals into evolution. This is a true philosophical path, an excellent motivation for life.