Choice of Ruler

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Once upon a time, there was a story about Pachacutec having to choose between two young men, potential rulers of a province in the Inca empire. Both were noblemen, wise and good, and he couldn’t decide between the two. However, he came up with a clever trick and said: “Let’s use magic. Here in my … Read more

Arthur, Guinevere, and Lancelot

“We are witnessing a frequent renewal of interest in the myth of King Arthur, mostly through Hollywood films and series that have the power to familiarize millions with one idea in a short time, but often in a superficial manner. One particular aspect of this complex myth that attracts the attention of many is the … Read more

About Courage

Perhaps it is possible to overcome the fear of death, but it is even more important to overcome the fear of life. Jorge Angel Livraga Often in life, we find ourselves in situations where we do not see a way out, where fear takes hold of us and our hearts become weak. In those moments … Read more

Are we human beings or human actions?

This question is very relevant in the time we live in. The rhythm of life, accelerated by the need for constant movement, hurry or achievement, emphasizes the importance we give to action. Just being, when it seems like the whole world is caught in the whirlwind of action, seems so passive! By working, we feel … Read more

Theorem of Dignity

Mindfulness is the conscious and compassionate observation of the moment, without judgment or evaluation. Through regular practice of mindfulness, we can become aware of our own thoughts, emotions, and reactions, and learn how to accept and transform them in a positive way. Therefore, dignity is the ability to maintain internal discipline and use our awareness … Read more

Why do crises exist?

At first glance, this question seems meaningless. Of course, life cannot flow in a straight line, it consists of ups and downs, successes and failures. However, despite the fact that the life experience of each of us confirms this fact, we tend to perceive every crisis as unfair, with the inevitable question – why is … Read more