Viktor Frankl – In Search of Meaning – Part 1

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Does life have meaning? Not long ago, this question was considered a sign of mental instability, a symptom of neurosis. A person who starts questioning the meaning of life is either sick or on the verge of a serious illness, Sigmund Freud said. When the illness is cured, the meaning will reveal itself. A healthy … Read more

Rise Towards the Inner Summit

“Adopt the rhythm of nature: patience is its secret.” Ralph Waldo Emerson “Nature always awakens in us a sense of awe and admiration with its unparalleled beauty, mysterious principles, and enigmatic laws that govern the universe.” “For ancient Greek philosophers, especially the pre-Socratics, it is said that they lived with a deep sense of this … Read more

The Mysterious Art of Victory

The topic I want to touch upon today is the mysterious or difficult art of victory. When I say victory, I don’t mean triumphing over someone, breaking down doors, jumping over walls, or feeling superior to others, but rather something much deeper. Many years ago, I had a Teacher who told me that the art … Read more

What do you think it is?

What we could recently hear from the mouths of wise men from all cultures, gurus, mystics and esotericists, is now acknowledged by modern science – that our thoughts have created our world and continue to do so. It is now known that negative thinking weakens our immune system, so it is really important what we … Read more

Man’s desires

It is said that desire can be a motivation for achieving goals, fulfilling needs, and attaining happiness. On the other hand, uncontrolled or unsatisfied desires can lead to suffering and dissatisfaction. It is important to understand and manage one’s desires in order to achieve a healthy and fulfilled life. We can read that a man, … Read more

Strength of Unity

One of the things that causes us the most damage today is the lack of unity, which is visible everywhere, in every sphere of life. Criticism is a daily occurrence, mistrust is the prevailing feeling, and it undermines any sense of solidarity among people. The fundamental concept in philosophy is unity. It is not just … Read more

How are dreams realized?

How dreams are realized To those who are reading my texts for the first time, I always point out that my articles are actually reflections, some insights and occasional contemplations. I believe that every person has a philosophical nature, that we are all philosophers and that there is no university that could create philosophers. A … Read more

Fulfilling Life

There are those who withdraw into solitude and seek meaning in learning; however, knowledge is just another form of self-expression… On the other hand, there are those who don’t find enough ways to fill the long hours of boredom and seek escape in esntertainment; yet, all of that is insufficient to avoid the emptiness of … Read more