Strength of Unity

One of the things that causes us the most damage today is the lack of unity, which is visible everywhere, in every sphere of life. Criticism is a daily occurrence, mistrust is the prevailing feeling, and it undermines any sense of solidarity among people.

The fundamental concept in philosophy is unity. It is not just an idea, but a cohesive force that is expressed not only in thoughts, but also in feelings and actions. Life as a whole is an example of unity, from the tiniest cells that form tissues to the entirety of stars that make up a galaxy.

The word “unite” comes from the Latin unus and facere, meaning “to make one,” that is, to connect several different but coherent parts and combine them in such a way as to achieve harmony and homogeneous unity. It is an act of merging, of connecting. Without this act, each of the parts or beings in the world would follow different paths – which is not inherently bad – but they would be divided, fragmented, and opposed to each other. Without this act, there would be no common purpose or shared goals. If we turned towards unity, we would have to live in constant chaos where it would be very difficult to find meaning in existence and its ever-changing circumstances.

Although it has been incubating for some time now, this disease is precisely what afflicts our time: separatism, division, and open struggle between increasingly smaller factions, which ends in conflicts between individuals. It appears in politics, culture, religion, art, society, and family; it can be seen on the streets of big cities and is starting to be felt in small towns. Distrust is the master and ruler of souls, and it manifests itself through rudeness, irritability, ruthlessness, insincerity, selfishness, and in many other ways.

Harmonious coexistence is impossible when generosity of love is lacking, and the prevailing feeling of the individual is that they are alone in the world. In order to live in harmony with others, one needs to expand consciousness and give space to all living beings, understand life in all things, and be able to imagine the infinity of the universe. It is necessary to become acquainted with the interconnectedness of all beings, embrace diversity, and develop empathy and compassion. To recognize and respect all that exists… And to have the courage to share who we are with others. No one can achieve their own fulfillment by devaluing the fulfillment of others.

A good dose of unity is what we all generally need, and what each of us particularly needs is to once again experience the reality of that great family called humanity, the happiness of friendship, mutual trust, the desire for collective work and for helping one another, so that we can look into each other’s eyes again and find brilliant truths there instead of terrifying shadows.