When today someone says, “A sound mind in a sound body” (Mens sana in corpore sano), it does not primarily refer to mental health, but only to what promotes the vitality of the body, such as sports, recreation, exercise… It refers to taking care of the body, and mental health is just a physical state, satisfaction due to a preserved and harmonious body. Therefore, this ancient saying is applied in reverse meaning today: “A sound mind in a sound body.”
Thus understood, mental health is a typical indicator of ignorance and vagueness of today’s culture towards the basic concepts of ancient culture that define human beings.
Let’s try to clarify this by using the following example. Let’s translate the mentioned saying to the relationship between a driver and his car: “A sound driver in a sound car.”
What kind of relationship is represented here? The driver is not a part of the vehicle, although he is in it. The driver controls the vehicle, not the other way around. The car is useful if it is in running condition, but that does not determine the “running condition” of the driver.
Caption: In this context, we can compare a human being to a lit candle that ignites at birth and burns out at natural death. The candle is the body, and its flame is the human spirit. consciousness is the one that chooses what we will prioritize – the cult of the body or the flame of the spirit. In today’s world, people are increasingly becoming slaves to their bodies and their needs. The flame of their spiritual vitality barely flickers, just so the candle can last longer.
It is appropriate for humans to care more about the soul than the body, because the perfection of the soul corrects the weaknesses of the body, but the strength of the body without discernment does not make the soul any better.
The opinion that considers humans only as biological organisms is based on facts about the functioning of our physical body and its sensory sensations. That is why there is talk today about the chemistry between people, instead of the feeling of love, or about an excess of adrenaline, instead of the need for self-affirmation.
Such thinking is primarily focused on people’s material needs. It supports a sense of life that boils down to celebrating the cult of the body, or the longer duration of a beautiful, young, and healthy organism.
It is natural to take care of your body and We should take care of his health as much as civilization allows us. However, it is neither natural nor healthy to solely focus on the body and neglect the needs of the humane personality residing within it.
All ancient philosophers, idealists and materialists, had the same basic stance on this issue. Democritus, the most significant representative of ancient materialism and atomism, says: It is appropriate for humans to care more for the soul than for the body, because the perfection of the soul corrects the weaknesses of the body, but the strength of the body without reason does not make the soul any better.
Our Ruđer Bošković, also a well-known atomist, clearly defines the difference between matter and spirit: The main difference between matter and spirit lies in the fact that matter is perceptible and incapable of thinking and desiring, while spirit does not act on our senses, but can think and desire.
Therefore, let us not forget that our human spirit also needs its nourishment, hygiene, care, and the ability to express itself. Something makes it sick, and something makes it healthy. According to an Among bird philosophers, the vitality of the spirit is the aspect to prioritize, as a healthy, vibrant spirit harmonizes all aspects of human existence, just as a musician does with their musical instrument, and that’s why: A healthy mind in a healthy body!