Concern is growing worldwide on all fronts, survival is becoming increasingly difficult in many countries, and conflicts are escalating for the most absurd reasons, no matter how important they may seem to those involved. However, despite all of this, there is a stronger desire than ever to achieve better health.
Of course, this is not the case everywhere in the world. How can one desire good health when there is a lack of food or water, or when terrible epidemics of unknown cause break out?
Here we are talking about so-called developed countries in general, although even there it is becoming difficult to maintain a certain standard of living. In these countries, however, health has become a constant concern. And not just health but also food.
It is surprising to see that while hundreds of people juggle trying to make ends meet, the problem of obesity and excessive weight is growing, starting from childhood. At the same time, extreme thinness has become an obsessive trend for others.
Either we are becoming extremely contradictory, or we do not want to analyze.
We need to fight against what is happening around us.
Let’s consider the best scenario, a situation where, for example, we have the possibility to fill our shopping basket with all kinds of products. We are so saturated with various advertisements that we no longer know what is good and what is bad for our health. In the end, we become suspicious of everything that is offered to us…
While some praise a certain product as the best for health and anti-aging, there are others who denounce it as a life-threatening poison. What are we to do? Who is right and how can we calmly choose what is most suitable for us?
Completely opposite diets are being promoted; what some approve of, others attack.
In the same way, many therapeutic procedures are being questioned; what was considered good yesterday is no longer recommended today, and it is even being banned. Ancient techniques are being discarded as harmful, while new experimental treatments are welcomed, even if their final outcomes are not fully known. There is much talk about the placebo effect of certain medications. Well, in order to conclude, even if that is true, it doesn’t matter as long as they make us feel better. Doesn’t that famous “placebo effect” perhaps involve other functions of the human body that are triggered by certain stimuli?
As for the question of food (for those who can feed themselves), we will leave it to the experts. We are convinced that those who exploit the Earth should treat it better. Industrialization, competition in production, and prices have led to natural products no longer being natural. What a paradox – organic products are much more expensive than those that come from large distributors!
We believe that we should seek diverse and simple nutrition; the exaggeration with spices doesn’t come from the Earth, but from our desire to season everything.
As for health, we are convinced that apart from those diseases that definitely originate from the body, many come from other aspects of ourselves. If our mind is not in a good state, if our emotions are disorganized, if we overly exhaust ourselves… “We are restless and hyperactive, what can we expect from a body that is a mirror of ourselves?
A healthy mind has organized thoughts and avoids doubts and conflicts of different ideas, which never leads to necessary clarity. A healthy mind also helps to organize the body.
As for emotions, it’s not just that they are disorganized – which they often are – but they also become harmful when we allow anger, envy, jealousy, aggression, suspicion, gossiping, and slander of others to take over us. This is truly toxic because, regardless of what we eat, negative emotional states can be very harmful to digestion.
Can we rest regardless of the time we have available? No, if our mind is buzzing with thoughts that we constantly dwell on and if we are disturbed by emotions. In this way, we fall into the other extreme of “not thinking” or laziness in order to “not think about anything”.
Health, which is influenced by all aspects of human beings, including a good education based on