Rudyard Kipling and the Law of the Jungle

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Experiences gained before puberty are deeply ingrained in our personality and stay with us for a lifetime, while imagination and dreams are the invisible fabric of our being and often the main drivers of our actions. That is why children’s literature plays a significant role in shaping character and attitudes towards value systems. Great writers … Read more

Mesopotamian Myths of the Flood

, koji je preživio veliki potop. Gilgameš putuje do morskog kraja kako bi pronašao Utnapishtima i saznao tajnu besmrtnosti. Nakon brojnih iskušenja i neuspjeha, Gilgameš se vraća u Uruk praznih ruku, ali bogovi mu otkrivaju da je pravi put do besmrtnosti u ostavljenoj mudrosti i ostavljenoj djeci. Gilgameš shvaća važnost ostavštine koju ostavljamo za buduće … Read more

Viktor Frankl – In Search of Meaning – Part 1

Does life have meaning? Not long ago, this question was considered a sign of mental instability, a symptom of neurosis. A person who starts questioning the meaning of life is either sick or on the verge of a serious illness, Sigmund Freud said. When the illness is cured, the meaning will reveal itself. A healthy … Read more

Man’s desires

It is said that desire can be a motivation for achieving goals, fulfilling needs, and attaining happiness. On the other hand, uncontrolled or unsatisfied desires can lead to suffering and dissatisfaction. It is important to understand and manage one’s desires in order to achieve a healthy and fulfilled life. We can read that a man, … Read more

Viktor Frankl – an Inaudible Cry for Meaning

Spartan Teaching on Fear

Sparta has always been considered a special form of Greek culture. Unlike their Greek counterparts, who are remembered for their masterpieces of art and philosophy, Spartans are remembered for their unique way of life. Warfare, the pursuit of honor, courage, and the desire to be better enabled Sparta to be the leading power in the … Read more

The Mystery of the Disappearance of Bees

“If bees start disappearing, humans will have no more than four years of life ahead. Without bees, there is no pollination, no plants, no animals, no humans. Albert Einstein” “Bees are crucial for human survival on Earth. Not only because of biodiversity, but also because of their role in pollination, they are key intermediaries in … Read more

Panic Syndrome – Part I

“Concerning his work La soft-idéologie (The Soft Ideology), French philosopher François-Bernard Huyghe says: “Times are tough, and ideas are weak.” Originality is dead, and in the search for the original harmony, man has mixed left and right: each of these sides increasingly resembles the other. Compromise between these opposites is in fashion, taking place on … Read more

Violence of Our Time

Some say that there has always been violence, we just didn’t talk about it as much. Now we have become more humane and less tolerant of violent behavior, so we talk about it more. Others say that there has never been as much violence as there is today. The fact is that violence has existed … Read more

Modern Technology

Imagine that our physical strength multiplies almost overnight: that we suddenly become so strong that we have to touch things very carefully because we could easily crush them; that we become deafeningly loud, that our pace accelerates so much that we have to focus on avoiding collisions; that we become so tall and massive that … Read more