Mythical History of Humanity

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If we look at the myths left by different nations of humanity about the origin and evolution of man, the similarities we find are surprising, even among peoples who lived in such distant areas as Mesopotamia and South America. In this article, we will highlight the most significant of these similarities, with the intention of … Read more

Myths about the flood

Myth is not a collection of invented events, but carries within it a certain idea related to humans and nature. In order to understand it, it is necessary to penetrate its complex symbolic language which contains multiple meanings. The myth of the Great Flood is present in various forms in almost all religious systems. In … Read more

Mesopotamian Myths of the Flood

, koji je preživio veliki potop. Gilgameš putuje do morskog kraja kako bi pronašao Utnapishtima i saznao tajnu besmrtnosti. Nakon brojnih iskušenja i neuspjeha, Gilgameš se vraća u Uruk praznih ruku, ali bogovi mu otkrivaju da je pravi put do besmrtnosti u ostavljenoj mudrosti i ostavljenoj djeci. Gilgameš shvaća važnost ostavštine koju ostavljamo za buduće … Read more