
It contains an image related to the title of Birdsong

Once, Bonco asked Fuketsuu, “Something confuses me that I once heard you say. That is, the truth can be expressed without speaking and without silence. Can you explain that to me?” Fuketsu replied, “When I was a child in southern China, oh! How the birds sang amidst the blossoms in spring.” A Tale from China

About Beauty

Recently, I have been contemplating the ability to perceive beauty and meaning. In order to perceive anything, it is necessary to develop our sensory organs. We have developed eyes to see. Without ears, sound waves would be elusive to us. If someone were to talk to us about pleasant and unpleasant smells, we wouldn’t know … Read more

Photography and Philosophy

Is there a connection between photography and philosophy? I believe there is and that this connection will play an important role in our still young XXI century. How? Pierre Poulain Philosophy is a very ancient concept. In translation, it means “love of wisdom”. We all seek wisdom, even though we are not always aware of … Read more

Bbbb – Mak Dizdar

1 Words are a picture of everything we see and don’t see around us Some words we admire, while others we’re ashamed of They have settled within us and escaped from us They have their own scent and color Some are mute while Others Have a Voice A fragile word climbs boldly With thin and … Read more

Temporal Cycles – The Rhythm of Historical Time

ve promjene možemo očekivati. Slično tome, želimo pronaći zakonitosti u društvu i povijesti koje će nam omogućiti razumijevanje trenutnih promjena i predviđanje budućnosti. Mnogi ljudi se tada okreću politici, ideologiji ili religiji kako bi pronašli smisao i stabilnost u svijetu koji se mijenja. Ti sustavi nude svojevrsni okvir u kojem se mogu povezati s drugima … Read more

The Significance of Symbols – Foundation of Human Order

In an effort to avoid everything incomprehensible to the mind at any cost, and by resorting to reductionist methods, man is now suffering the consequences: Homo sapiens has paradoxically produced Homo barbaricusa and has become a victim of the return to barbarism. Technology, comfort, material prosperity, and all achievements in that regard cannot create a … Read more

Are we human beings or human actions?

This question is very relevant in the time we live in. The rhythm of life, accelerated by the need for constant movement, hurry or achievement, emphasizes the importance we give to action. Just being, when it seems like the whole world is caught in the whirlwind of action, seems so passive! By working, we feel … Read more

Where does the soul reside?

The idea of the soul has shaped the West and its greatest minds for millennia. Today, in scientific discourse, the concept of the soul is avoided and replaced with the term “self”. However, self-optimization leads us in a different direction from the development of the soul. A self-centered individual leads to a different society than … Read more

Why and where

< p>Our time is witnessing many psychological illnesses, and among them are numerous crises of indecisiveness and disagreement among people. There are many who allow their lives to flow in constant anxiety that arises from not knowing what needs to be done or how to do it effectively. < /p> < p>Among them are those … Read more

The Importance of Culture

Hello and high-quality seeds are not enough to ensure their blooming. For that, the right environment is also necessary: good soil, sufficient moisture, and appropriate amounts of light and heat, according to the needs of the species to which it belongs. Using this image as an analogy, we could say that for a human being, … Read more