Symbolism of the Sword

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dugi. Na primjer, mač Excalibur pripadao je kralju Arthuru, dok je mač Durandal pripadao vitezovi Rolandu. Ovi mačevi su imali posebnu snagu i čaroliju koja je pomogla njihovim vlasnicima u njihovim zastrašujućim bitkama. , “his life” and his power. The most famous ones are: Excalibur – the sword of King Arthur, Balmung – the famous … Read more

Arthur, Guinevere, and Lancelot

“We are witnessing a frequent renewal of interest in the myth of King Arthur, mostly through Hollywood films and series that have the power to familiarize millions with one idea in a short time, but often in a superficial manner. One particular aspect of this complex myth that attracts the attention of many is the … Read more

The Legend of King Arthur

“This is a legend that has captivated the attention of man in our western civilization. It is a dominant modern myth that has served as a fundamental template for the cultural socialization of European society. Over the past eight centuries, many versions and commentaries about King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table have … Read more