The Seeker of Dates

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In a desert oasis, the old Elijah was kneeling beside the date palm trees. His neighbor, the wealthy merchant Hakim, stopped by the oasis to water the camels when he saw Elijah sweating as he dug in the sand. – How are you, old man? Peace be with you! – And with you – Elijah … Read more

Temporary Journey

In one of the manuscripts from the 13th century, discovered in Spain, it is written that there once lived a rabbi known for his holiness, and his peculiarity was that he lived in a house without furniture. One day, a wealthy merchant who had known the rabbi since childhood stopped in the town where he … Read more

Forgive and Thank

An Arabic legend tells the story of two friends traveling through the desert. At one point, they got into a fight and one of them slapped the other. The hurt friend, without a word, wrote on the sand: “Today my best friend hit me.” They continued on together and reached an oasis where they decided … Read more

Damon and Pythias

Damon and Pythias, initiates in the sacred Pythagorean wisdom, formed such a faithful friendship that when Dionysius, the ruler of Syracuse, decided to execute one of them, and he asked for permission to return home and settle his affairs before his death, the other did not hesitate to offer himself as a pledge for his … Read more

Conversations with Goethe

After completing his critical studies Contributions to Poetry, in which he referred to Goethe’s life’s work as a literary example and guide for the future, Johann Peter Eckermann, a German poet and writer, sent them to Goethe to help him find a publisher. When he himself appeared in Weimar in early June 1823, he was … Read more

Jagoda Truhelka

popis literature koju je čitala, Truhelka je uspjela stvoriti autentičan glas u svom pisanju. Njeni likovi često su bili dječaci i djevojčice koji su se suočavali s izazovima odrastanja i tražili ljepotu u svijetu oko sebe. Ono što je posebno istaknuto u Truhelkinoj prozi je njen pristup prirodi. Ona je vjerovala u ljepotu prirode i … Read more

Socrates’ Friendship

Many people have remained recorded in history because of great deeds that made them famous. Some became famous for their heroism, others for their artistic abilities, third for their new inventions, fourth for social and political reforms, fifth for their religiosity, but few have enriched the world with “ordinariness” and simplicity. One of them, and … Read more

Strength of Unity

One of the things that causes us the most damage today is the lack of unity, which is visible everywhere, in every sphere of life. Criticism is a daily occurrence, mistrust is the prevailing feeling, and it undermines any sense of solidarity among people. The fundamental concept in philosophy is unity. It is not just … Read more

Plato and the World Crisis

The concept of “crisis” describes a situation that we cannot resolve with our usual means and is therefore deeply connected to the concept of change: in order to overcome it, we need to change our behavior. To be more precise, we need to know how to utilize the occurrence of a crisis in order to … Read more

Star Wars – From Hope to Awakening…

George Lucas Dreams are extremely important; nothing can be accomplished without first envisioning it. George Lucas This is what Goethe said in Faust, and what Lucas knew how to express in modern language: the message that technology will not save us. Our computers, our tools, our machines are not enough. We need to rely on … Read more