In one of the manuscripts from the 13th century, discovered in Spain, it is written that there once lived a rabbi known for his holiness, and his peculiarity was that he lived in a house without furniture.
One day, a wealthy merchant who had known the rabbi since childhood stopped in the town where he lived. The merchant was tired from traveling through inhospitable desert landscapes and longed to reunite with a friend he had played with in childhood, so he visited him. After polite conversations and appropriate courtesies, the merchant asked the rabbi:
– “Tell me, why do I not see any furniture at your place?”
– “Where is yours? I also do not see your furniture,” replied the rabbi.
– “Well, do you think I will carry furniture on a journey that is temporary and which would only bother me?”
– “Then why are you surprised that I also do not have furniture? I am on a journey…temporary…as we all are who live.”