The Magic of Ancient Art

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e. Za neke, umjetnost može biti samo apstrakcija ili gomila linija i boja, dok za druge može biti dubok doživljaj emocija i misli. Bez obzira na naše individualne interpretacije, umjetnost nam omogućava da se povežemo s drugim ljudima i s ljudskim iskustvom na općenitiji način. Ona nas pokreće, potiče na razmišljanje, i nadilazi granice jezika … Read more

Vladimir Devidé

Do we need tradition?

The word tradition comes from the Latin trans + dare: to hand over or transmit. It refers to the transfer of experiences that are at the foundations of every organized civilization. Today, however, tradition has become synonymous with something that is old-fashioned and outdated, merely an interesting remnant of the past that needs to be … Read more


The scarab beetle is one of the most famous symbols of ancient Egypt. The Egyptians always sought inspiration in nature, which they considered their teacher, a great book of life. Everything in nature, from its smallest inhabitants to distant stars and galaxies, held deep truths within them, becoming keys to unraveling the infinite number of … Read more


Mandalas, as complex symbols, originated in the cultural tradition of tantric Buddhism, but the fundamental idea of the mandala is not solely limited to the Far East. It is present in the architecture, art, and philosophy of all cultures throughout human history, making the concept of connecting the divine and human worlds into a harmonious … Read more

Lunar World

Looking at it purely scientifically, the Moon, an indispensable adornment of romantic moments, is merely a huge lifeless mass orbiting the Earth. However, for humans in the past, the Moon had a multiple role: it was not only a precious light for the nocturnal traveler, but the regular rhythm of the Moon’s phases formed the … Read more

Whore – guardian of the warehouse

If we delve into Greek or any other mythology, we will notice that almost every aspect of life, both of nature and humans, is symbolically described. Whether it be the laws of nature such as cyclicity and evolution, or the awakening of human consciousness, these processes are symbolically described through Greek mythology. Some symbols are … Read more

Luck of Happiness

Although it is not possible to achieve complete happiness, we can strive for a state of balance or well-being that comes closest to it. In order to do this, we must know which factors influence unhappiness and happiness so that we can choose our actions in life correctly. Since ancient times, it has been recognized … Read more

Our moods and three days

In nature, nothing is static, there is always a change that is manifested in a rhythmic alternation of cycles of activity and passivity, light and darkness, good and bad. As Pharaoh’s dream of seven fat and seven skinny cows tells us, after a period of fertility comes a drought, after activity, growth, and development comes … Read more

Our achievements

There are those who glorify the past, the golden times long gone, in other words, the “good old days”. Allegedly, in those times people were good and honest, and virtue ruled the world, so we should return to things as they were or at least as we imagine them to have been. From this perspective, … Read more