Sutre Milkweed

A devotee of women, Tecugen, decided to publish sutras in Japan that were only available in Chinese at the time. The books had to be printed using wooden blocks, in an edition of seven thousand copies, which was a tremendous undertaking. Tecugen set out on a journey to collect donations for this purpose. A few … Read more

Vladimir Devidé

It contains an image related to the title of Vladimir Devidé


“Once upon a time, when giants still lived on the earth, a man was walking along the riverbank. He was alone. Only the wind played around his shoulders, occasionally rushing through the reeds that grew along the shore. Suddenly, a strange sound was heard, different from any he had heard before. Silence and then sound. … Read more

Bells of the East

The bell falls silent: The scent of flowers spreads. – Evening… Basho The priest signaled me to ring the bell. First, I gently touched the thick rim of the bell, and a soft sound emerged. Then I swung the beam strongly, and the sound was deep like thunder, powerful like the bass of mighty organs … Read more

How did Zen arrive in Japan?

Japanu je mjesto gdje se prakticira zen budizam. U Japanu ima trinaest različitih budističkih škola, svaka sa svojim hramovima, svećenicima i brojnim sljedbenicima. Te škole uključuju tendai, shingon, rinzai, jodo, nichiren, soto, obaku, ritsu, juzu-nenbucu, hosso, kegon i ji-shu. Od tih trinaest škola, tri su povezane sa zen budizmom: rinzai, soto i obaku. Riječ “zen” … Read more

Megaliths – Part II

The Phenomenon of the Stone Age – The Most Famous World Megaliths Avebury, Great Britain Decorations In addition to stylized human figures, a variety of signs and symbols have been found on megaliths, including pictograms in the form of snakes, birds, spirals, crescents or horns, and human footprints. It is believed that snakes symbolically represent … Read more


“Like the Sun, like the Moon, like water, like gold, be clear and radiant and reflect what you carry in your heart.” (inscription on a Chinese mirror) The mirror, today just an everyday object, has always been a part of myths, legends, and children’s stories. It appears as a magical mirror that can show images … Read more

Thanatos – the god of death

The phenomenon of death is deeply connected to human life, our intuitions and fears, expectations and perceptions. With our birth, we begin a sublime and painful process of daily transformations, during which fundamental questions about life and our role in the existential drama gradually arise in our consciousness. In this way, we discover new insights … Read more

Sakura – Flower of Cherry Blossom

Does anyone ask what is the spirit of this land, Japan: The blossoms of the mountain cherry shine in the morning sun. Norinaga Motoori The rhythm of the seasons naturally follows the life of man. A blooming tree, a calm lake surface, the chirping of birds, the autumn richness of fruits, the purity of snow … Read more