Rudyard Kipling and the Law of the Jungle
Experiences gained before puberty are deeply ingrained in our personality and stay with us for a lifetime, while imagination and dreams are the invisible fabric of our being and often the main drivers of our actions. That is why children’s literature plays a significant role in shaping character and attitudes towards value systems. Great writers … Read more
Viktor Frankl – In Search of Meaning – Part 1
Does life have meaning? Not long ago, this question was considered a sign of mental instability, a symptom of neurosis. A person who starts questioning the meaning of life is either sick or on the verge of a serious illness, Sigmund Freud said. When the illness is cured, the meaning will reveal itself. A healthy … Read more
The Educational Value of Folktales
Today, it is a well-known fact that reading or telling stories to children from a young age has many developmental benefits. Let’s just mention a few: stories can help improve language and communication skills, develop a child’s brain through the ability to focus attention, help connect and express emotions, learn about the world and nature, … Read more
Education in Ancient Greece
Our current culture has grown out of the attitudes, ideas and institutions of ancient Greece. Academy, lyceum, gymnasium, school, educator, grammarian, and many other foundational concepts of today’s educational system were inherited from them, therefore it is understandable why the understanding of the concept of education should be sought in ancient Greece. The idea of … Read more
Theorem of Dignity
Mindfulness is the conscious and compassionate observation of the moment, without judgment or evaluation. Through regular practice of mindfulness, we can become aware of our own thoughts, emotions, and reactions, and learn how to accept and transform them in a positive way. Therefore, dignity is the ability to maintain internal discipline and use our awareness … Read more
What does God actually do?
“Some say, ‘Everything!’ Others say, ‘Nothing!’ Nietzsche said, ‘He is dead!’ Atheists say, ‘He doesn’t exist at all!’ Perhaps the question should be posed in a different way: not, what does God do, but rather what does He do with us? I tried to find Him on the cross of Christians, but He wasn’t there. … Read more
The Instruction of Ptahhotep
The passage you provided discusses the value of ancient Egyptian teachings and the wisdom of sages like Ptahhotep. These teachings covered various aspects of life, including authority, justice, love, child-rearing, friendship, and wisdom. The moral and ethical principles they conveyed were essential for maintaining order and harmony in Egyptian society. These texts serve as a … Read more
Simplicity of Philosophy
The word philosophy today usually evokes difficult-to-understand theories and debates. However, this is far from the true spirit of philosophy, which strives for simplicity and clarity. Today’s culture is overcomplicated and collapsing under the deluge of words and information. If we return to the original meaning of the word philosophy, we can grasp the spark … Read more
Death of the Family, Freedom of the Individual?
Is it possible to have a society without community, without some kind of family? Will the traditional family disappear and be replaced by some other form of community? To find the answer, we first need to reexamine what family is and whether it has always meant what we understand by that term today. With the … Read more