The word philosophy today usually evokes difficult-to-understand theories and debates. However, this is far from the true spirit of philosophy, which strives for simplicity and clarity. Today’s culture is overcomplicated and collapsing under the deluge of words and information.
If we return to the original meaning of the word philosophy, we can grasp the spark of that clarity. Philosophy as the love of wisdom does not refer to the views developed by different people; it refers to only one thing, and that is the wisdom of nature.
The path from spirit to matter involves a transition from unity to
In the multitude. The process of ascending from matter to spirit is a return from multitude to simplicity and unity.
Philo or love is the ability to unite with wisdom or we can say: with life itself. Love for wisdom is an active process in which an individual learns the principles of life and changes accordingly. This process brings a person into harmony with nature.
Philosophy is not a theoretical concept that attempts to describe life, but an active state where a person is in a constant process of change. We can also call it an ethical way of life where we discover our true values.
Love for wisdom is the force that drives a person to change themselves, it is the desire to approach wisdom, the source of life, and to spread harmony and brotherhood around them. Being a philosopher does not mean keeping a cold distance from other people, but developing a sense of belonging to life and the common essence of things.
At the temple in Delphi, the sacred center of ancient Greece, it was said: “Know yourself and you will know the world and the divine.” Philosophy, as a bridge to wisdom, is the center that encompasses all forms of life: cultural, artistic, ceremonial, political; different aspects of society and our everyday lives.
It is necessary to return to the classical values of humanity, to return to the natural belief in the goodness of man, convinced of the meaning of everything that has been created.
What a wonderful feeling those who have open hearts for life have! It is awe and realization that there are no miracles in life because life itself is a miracle.