Banyan Tree Fruit

It contains an image related to the title of Banyan Tree Fruit

The great sage Uddalaka Aruni had a son named Svetaketu. One day, the son returned home from school. His father realized that the knowledge from school was insufficient for teaching the most important lesson because the teachers lacked the inspiration and experience to lead the students to the realization of the ultimate truth. In order … Read more


Once, Bonco asked Fuketsuu, “Something confuses me that I once heard you say. That is, the truth can be expressed without speaking and without silence. Can you explain that to me?” Fuketsu replied, “When I was a child in southern China, oh! How the birds sang amidst the blossoms in spring.” A Tale from China

Choice of Ruler

Once upon a time, there was a story about Pachacutec having to choose between two young men, potential rulers of a province in the Inca empire. Both were noblemen, wise and good, and he couldn’t decide between the two. However, he came up with a clever trick and said: “Let’s use magic. Here in my … Read more

Buddha at the Wedding

Once upon a time, there lived a man in Đambunada and as his wedding approached, he thought: If only the blessed Buddha would come to the celebration. And lo and behold, the Blessed One passed by his house, looked at him, and upon reading the groom’s desire in his heart, agreed to enter. When the … Read more

Untouchable Beauty

Let’s try to unveil the beauty a little bit. Aesthetics, as the science of art and beauty, is a relatively new term that has been used since Kant and Hegel, although it’s actually older. It is a traditional philosophical discipline, a quest and dedication to studying art as a relationship with the divine, beauty, truth, … Read more

Photography and Philosophy

Is there a connection between photography and philosophy? I believe there is and that this connection will play an important role in our still young XXI century. How? Pierre Poulain Philosophy is a very ancient concept. In translation, it means “love of wisdom”. We all seek wisdom, even though we are not always aware of … Read more

Persian Poetry

ABOUT TRUTH I want to tell you one truth, I can sum it up in just two words: Through Your love, I will enter the Earth, Through Your love, I will exit the Earth. Abu Sa’id Abul Khayr (967 – 1049), the first Sufi writer who spoke about the mystical unity with God through the … Read more

Indian poetry

Oh, Infinite! There is an old bond between you and me; a tight bond forged by poets. Namdev (1270 – 1350) Poetry is undoubtedly one of the witnesses of the human spirit and life. Every valuable poem opens up a landscape through which we encounter the elements of life’s reality. We strive to experience them … Read more

Art and poetry of the bardic ideal

The term “bardic tradition” refers to the cultural, judicial, scientific, artistic, and religious institutional systems of Celtic and pre-Celtic peoples of Europe, dating back to at least the 7th century BCE. Records of this tradition can be found in the writings of Greek and Roman historians around the 1st century BCE. They mention three different … Read more


Since ancient times, through centuries and centuries, the original meaning of the Greek muses, nine goddesses of harmony and protectors of many divine and human creative arts, has been forgotten. During the Middle Ages, artists and philosophers almost stopped seeking their protection and inspiration, but their name remained ingrained in the words music and museum. … Read more