Seize the day
Every cycle that ends obliges us to look at the time ahead as the beginning of a new story that we will soon live. The beginning of a new year is undoubtedly one of those cyclical moments that give us the opportunity to look inside and renew our inner paths, the labyrinths we have cleared in our constant search for meaning.
Today, the social context in which we live relentlessly urges us to think about being at the end of an era, without knowing where the new historical cycle leads. This should not disturb or surprise us, as even without such apocalyptic fear, we are constantly subject to changes, despite being deceived by the illusion of permanence. It is well known that, as a basis for progress, we need security and stability.
In the midst of such uncertainties and apprehensions, and in front of those who announce a threatening future, it is good to follow the advice of many sages to live in the present, as indicated by the ancient motto carpe diem, coined by the Roman poet Horace. Many are The meanings assigned to these two words, in accordance with the spirit of different times and mentalities. It is a call to awareness of what we have in our hands, here and now, not to succumb to the temptation to long for the past or fear or yearn for the future we escape to with our empty ambitions.
Living in the present will help us appreciate who we are, what we have achieved, to be aware of the tools that allow us to be aligned with what life offers us at every moment, to recognize the possibilities it provides us and the difficulties we must overcome.
Renaissance philosophers completed this classical recommendation with advice to live the present happily. “Do not value possession or seek position, flee excess and trading, be happy in the present moment,” said Marsilio Ficino. An entire program to start the new year, the new present.