Original etymological and conceptual meaning of the word “uljudnost” (courtesy in Spanish) comes from the concept of a court (corte in Spanish), a place where philosophers, artists, writers, politicians, economists, judges, doctors, and generally all experts and prominent individuals gathered in ancient times, whose role was to give opinions and make decisions within a state or kingdom. In Plato’s terms, they were those who, because of their talent, knowledge, and skills, served society in a public capacity, bearing a certain responsibility in the state – a concept expressed in Latin as “res publica” (public affair), from which the word “republic” comes.
In all ancient cultures and civilizations, even in those we only partially know, there existed a certain form of polite (“courtly”) relationships among people. In the so-called Middle Ages in the West, courtesy was cultivated in the closest circles of ladies and knights, as well as among knights, through the formation of pages up until their proclamation as knights.
Unfortunately, over time, many of these manners and standards of behavior eroded and disappeared, especially with the advent of modern society and the changing values and priorities it brought about. The concept of uljudnost, although it may seem outdated to some, still holds value in fostering harmony and respectful interactions among individuals in contemporary times. Many healthy and useful traditions have fallen out of use and even degenerated into hypocritical and false customs. This latter image has taken on a widespread attitude among us. Today, especially among young people who are victims of deformations of the post-war period, courtesy has become synonymous with hypocrisy and lack of authenticity.
As philosophers, we would like to rescue from oblivion and build forms of courtesy that will separate us from the dumbing down of animality and the instinctual that bores us.
Courtesy is simultaneously a form of nobility and love; the recognition of universal brotherhood beyond all class, ethnic and gender differences, differences in social and economic status. It is a modest but appropriate way to apply the first principle of New Acropolis: to connect men and women of all faiths, races, and social positions around the ideal of universal brotherhood.
Just as when we want to give someone a gift, no matter how small it may be, we wrap it and decorate it with a ribbon so that the recipient can see it and appreciate it even before they open it. When he saw him, he got the feeling that we were thinking of him with tenderness and that we cared to show him our feelings and good wishes, so each word or gesture of ours must be carefully “wrapped” in our ability to give and love. Overcoming rudeness will not diminish anyone’s masculinity or femininity. On the contrary, ladies and gentlemen will be much more effective and pleasant if they bring a touch of beauty, love, and courtesy to everything they do. Then it will no longer matter whether they greet us with a handshake, a hug, or a kiss, as it will depend on the circumstances and the position of the protagonists. By protagonists, we mean those mentioned by Emperor Augustus: active and effective participants in life… those who do something. A true participant, an actor in mystery theaters, is the one who portrays things, the one who shows them again, but in a way that incorporates a humane interpretation that makes them better, more beautiful, nobler, and enables everyone to participate in them in some way. We should invest Make an effort and reject any expression of anger and bitterness, hatred and malice. Although this attitude begins from what is completely external, if we firmly and persistently maintain it, it will penetrate deeply. The same goes for the clown from the stories who laughs so much and makes others laugh that in the end, he infects himself with his own joy and finds solace in life’s misfortunes.
Many political and religious ideologies have caused genocide and saddened many people. Let’s do the opposite, let’s bring joy, peace, unity, and progress. A philosopher who mourns over trivial circumstances is not a true philosopher, on the contrary, he is far from it if he constantly complains about his pains and shows signs of instability, spiritual weakness, and vampiric vulnerability in front of all his friends.
Let’s get used to giving rather than asking from others.
Let’s avoid judging others with our still weak reasoning that is significantly distorted by our passions. Let’s be strong and upright.
There are already too many beggars in the world… Let’s not be one. This does not only apply to the economic level, but generally to everything. Let us give with open hands! Our energy, our kindness, our goodwill to everyone. Let’s work constantly. Let’s study, think, and search for what is necessary… but above all, let’s break the molds of our egocentrism with modesty that is not the modesty of the body and clothes. Let’s be polite… Let’s truly create a new and better world every day… and let’s live in it.