Harmony – the Unity of Diversity

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Soul is a kind of harmony, a fusion of opposites, and man is a part of universal harmony. Filolaj, Aristoksen Harmony, the balance of diversity, is perhaps easiest to recognize in art and nature. Every harmonious artistic form speaks to our hearts because Harmony is always where Love is… W. A. Mozart said: “I gather … Read more

Temporal Cycles – The Rhythm of Historical Time

ve promjene možemo očekivati. Slično tome, želimo pronaći zakonitosti u društvu i povijesti koje će nam omogućiti razumijevanje trenutnih promjena i predviđanje budućnosti. Mnogi ljudi se tada okreću politici, ideologiji ili religiji kako bi pronašli smisao i stabilnost u svijetu koji se mijenja. Ti sustavi nude svojevrsni okvir u kojem se mogu povezati s drugima … Read more

Rise Towards the Inner Summit

“Adopt the rhythm of nature: patience is its secret.” Ralph Waldo Emerson “Nature always awakens in us a sense of awe and admiration with its unparalleled beauty, mysterious principles, and enigmatic laws that govern the universe.” “For ancient Greek philosophers, especially the pre-Socratics, it is said that they lived with a deep sense of this … Read more

Stability in Crisis

Perhaps it may seem that the crisis that is shaking our present civilization in all parts of the world and in so many different ways is something unique to our time and of disproportionate magnitude. However, if we look carefully, we will see that crises have existed in all historical periods and that philosophers have … Read more

Human and Digital Connections

There is no doubt about the positive effects of modern technology. The ability to build global networks, maintain long-distance friendships, and communicate quickly with multiple people at once are just some of its advantages. However, research has shown a sad truth; in the last two decades, despite having many friends on social media, our circle … Read more

Aldous Huxley – What kind of world are we building?

Aldous Huxley What kind of world are we building? Can we predict how the future will look based on today’s state? Reflecting on this, English writer Aldous Huxley (1894-1963) wrote the cautionary novel Brave New World in 1931, which has become synonymous with a world heading in an inhumane direction. Today, we can assess whether … Read more

Francis Bacon – On Ambition

Francis Bacon – On Ambition Ambition is like bile, which makes a person enterprising, fervent, prepared, and diligent, if nothing stops them. However, if they are stopped and cannot achieve what they desire, ambition shrinks and becomes dangerous and toxic. Ambitious individuals, if they see an open path to their progress, go forward freely and … Read more

Seize the Day

Seize the day Every cycle that ends obliges us to look at the time ahead as the beginning of a new story that we will soon live. The beginning of a new year is undoubtedly one of those cyclical moments that give us the opportunity to look inside and renew our inner paths, the labyrinths … Read more