International Mother Earth Day

It contains an image related to the title of International Mother Earth Day

The Earth Day, observed by millions of people every April 22nd since 1970, aims to raise awareness and respect for the planet Earth and life on it. This is the largest organized environmental campaign to date, with the slogan “One Billion Acts of Green” emphasizing the importance of each individual’s personal contribution. Its goal is … Read more

Philosophical Ecology

Today, as ecological issues arise on all sides, we are becoming more and more aware of how our natural environment is deteriorating. Our cities do not have clean air or drinking water necessary for a healthy life. Erosion and the transformation of fertile land into deserts are happening in many places on the planet, and … Read more

Ecology and Buddhism

“We need to develop a sense of general responsibility towards the various problems our planet is facing. Responsibility does not lie solely with the leaders of our countries or those appointed or elected to do a specific job. It lies with each and every one of us individually. Peace, for example, begins within each of … Read more

Changing the world through changing consumption

At the 2015 UN Climate Change Conference in Paris, one of the world’s leading experts on climate change and environmental protection was renowned primatologist Dr. Jane Goodall. In one of her interviews, she stated that she came to Paris for the UN climate conference to save rainforests from degradation and intensive exploitation. “So, it’s not … Read more

It is Not About Creating Antibodies

We live in a polluted world and we have become accustomed to it. The level of environmental pollution is increasing day by day, especially in big cities. Since we cannot leave them because we are still anchored to them by obligations, we have simply started adapting to such a situation. Our bodies produce antibodies and … Read more

To watch, not to see

Watching, not seeing We live in a polluted world and we have become accustomed to it. The level of environmental pollution is increasing day by day, especially in large cities. As we cannot leave them because we are tied to them by our obligations, we have simply adapted to this situation. Our bodies have developed … Read more