
It contains an image related to the title of Flute

“Once upon a time, when giants still lived on the earth, a man was walking along the riverbank. He was alone. Only the wind played around his shoulders, occasionally rushing through the reeds that grew along the shore. Suddenly, a strange sound was heard, different from any he had heard before. Silence and then sound. … Read more

Cycladic figurines

“In the Aegean Sea, southeast of Attica and north of Crete, there is a scattered group of Greek islands known as the Cyclades. There are a total of two hundred and twenty islands, mostly uninhabited due to their inaccessible cliffs that drop into the sea, unpredictable climate, sudden storms, very little rainfall, and infertile soil. … Read more

Homer’s Troy

Like the ruins of the city named Troy lay dormant under layers of earth, so did the epics Iliad and Odyssey, along with many other epics and songs, become forgotten with the decline of ancient culture, waiting for a rebirth. This rebirth happened during the Renaissance, when there was a renewed interest in all things … Read more

Greek Mysteries

Although we know a lot about art, philosophy, medicine, mathematics, and other sciences of ancient Greece, the cradle of Western culture and civilization, in the depths of time lies the heart of ancient Greece from which everything we know about this culture was born, and those are the mysteries. Almost all great artists, playwrights, philosophers, … Read more

Greek colonization

tionima, kao što su Olimpijske igre i druge javne manifestacije. To je doprinijelo širenju kulture, ideja i znanja među Helencima. Unatoč političkim i teritorijalnim podjelama, Grci su se osjećali dio iste civilizacije i dijelili iste vrijednosti. Mikenska kultura je nestala s dolaskom Dorana, ali njezino nasljeđe i utjecaj ostali su vidljivi u grčkoj umjetnosti, arhitekturi … Read more

Sunny deities

They rightfully call it the light, reason, ruler of the universe. Hermes Trismegistus names it the visible god, and Sophocles’ Electra says it is all-seeing. Thus the Sun sits on the royal throne, ruling over its children, the planets that orbit around it… Nikola Copernicus From an early age, people of the 21st century learn … Read more


There is so much beauty, fragrance, and inspiration hidden in just one word: rose! Throughout thousands of years, roses have moved from nature and gardens into stories and myths, becoming a motif in artistic works and inspiring poets, botanists, rulers… The oldest painted trace of a rose is a fresco from 1700 BC in the … Read more

Lunar World

Looking at it purely scientifically, the Moon, an indispensable adornment of romantic moments, is merely a huge lifeless mass orbiting the Earth. However, for humans in the past, the Moon had a multiple role: it was not only a precious light for the nocturnal traveler, but the regular rhythm of the Moon’s phases formed the … Read more


The bronze statue of Ares Dionysus, a museum near Paris Western civilization is most familiar with it thanks to the Cretan labyrinth from the ancient myth of Theseus, the Minotaur, and Ariadne. However, this symbol in the form of buildings, stone mazes, drawings, and reliefs can also be found in Egypt, India, Mexico, Ireland, Scandinavia, … Read more

Whore – guardian of the warehouse

If we delve into Greek or any other mythology, we will notice that almost every aspect of life, both of nature and humans, is symbolically described. Whether it be the laws of nature such as cyclicity and evolution, or the awakening of human consciousness, these processes are symbolically described through Greek mythology. Some symbols are … Read more