Choice of Ruler

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Once upon a time, there was a story about Pachacutec having to choose between two young men, potential rulers of a province in the Inca empire. Both were noblemen, wise and good, and he couldn’t decide between the two. However, he came up with a clever trick and said: “Let’s use magic. Here in my … Read more

Athenian School

to uronimo u njezinu simboliku i interpretiramo je na dubljoj razini. Slike Rafaela Santija uvijek su nosile slojevita značenja i Atenska škola nije iznimka. Putovanje u prošlost nam pruža priliku da istražimo različite kulture i razumijemo njihov utjecaj na današnje vrijeme. Susresti se s velikanima povijesti omogućuje nam da se inspiriramo njihovom vizijom i razumijemo … Read more

Virtue – Expression of the Strength of the Soul

“Virtue is nothing more than acting in accordance with the laws of one’s own nature. Spinoza” “Today, it seems that the concept of “virtue” refers to an outdated ethical system. Virtue comes from the Latin word “vir,” which means human, and “virtus” denotes the merit of a person, the moral strength that one develops, the … Read more

Luck of Happiness

Although it is not possible to achieve complete happiness, we can strive for a state of balance or well-being that comes closest to it. In order to do this, we must know which factors influence unhappiness and happiness so that we can choose our actions in life correctly. Since ancient times, it has been recognized … Read more

Education in Ancient Greece

Our current culture has grown out of the attitudes, ideas and institutions of ancient Greece. Academy, lyceum, gymnasium, school, educator, grammarian, and many other foundational concepts of today’s educational system were inherited from them, therefore it is understandable why the understanding of the concept of education should be sought in ancient Greece. The idea of … Read more

My mom and me

Is there my mind outside of me? Who am I, if not my mind? Many of us have experienced moments of internal conflict in which it seems as if two different persons are arguing within us, only to eventually agree with one of them. Sometimes we are even surprised when we realize that our mind … Read more

Theorem of Dignity

Mindfulness is the conscious and compassionate observation of the moment, without judgment or evaluation. Through regular practice of mindfulness, we can become aware of our own thoughts, emotions, and reactions, and learn how to accept and transform them in a positive way. Therefore, dignity is the ability to maintain internal discipline and use our awareness … Read more

Spinoza – the destiny of a philosopher

What philosophy is and what possible benefits it can provide for modern individuals is not very obvious and understandable today. However, if we study it with a bit of humility, we will be able to see in it the original spirit of the search for wisdom. This means changing oneself, despite uncertainty and fear, developing … Read more

Rhetoric – the art of guiding the soul

“If they see a just and deserving person, everyone immediately falls silent, stops and pricks up their ears. And he guides souls with words and brings peace to their hearts. Virgil, Aeneid. Demosthenes. The first requirement that communication experts set for achieving quality communication is learning to speak as the foundation of every communication and … Read more

Centers of Balance – The Noble Middle Way

In the long history of human searching for answers, all philosophies, historical periods, and geographical areas have in common the quest for the answer to the question of whether life has meaning and how to achieve it. Therefore, the question is universal, and there are as many answers as there are philosophies and places in … Read more