Aristotle doesn’t know

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Aristotle, who was the teacher of Alexander the Great, would often respond with “I do not know” to many questions asked by the courtiers. “Why does the king even pay you if you do not know anything?” asked one courtier. “The king pays me only for what I know,” replied Aristotle. “If he paid me … Read more

Athenian School

to uronimo u njezinu simboliku i interpretiramo je na dubljoj razini. Slike Rafaela Santija uvijek su nosile slojevita značenja i Atenska škola nije iznimka. Putovanje u prošlost nam pruža priliku da istražimo različite kulture i razumijemo njihov utjecaj na današnje vrijeme. Susresti se s velikanima povijesti omogućuje nam da se inspiriramo njihovom vizijom i razumijemo … Read more

Gecko Reveals the Power of Spider-Man

When we observe a gecko, a reptile from the lizard family, crawling up and down walls at a speed of several meters per second, it seems to have some superpowers that defy the laws of physics. It effortlessly climbs all types of surfaces and can stay on them with just one finger. How does it … Read more

The Power of Laughter

In February, many countries celebrate carnival. It is a traditional and popular celebration that has the symbolic goal of releasing the tension accumulated in the darkness of winter and preparing for a joyful welcome of spring, life, and light. In ancient times, such celebrations were dedicated to the god Dionysus or Bacchus (Bacchanalia) and Saturn … Read more


All of us love cleanliness, a clean space in which we find ourselves or a city in which we live. We love to be clean, fresh, and surrounded by everything that is pure. We know that cleanliness needs to be maintained regularly because everything in this material world constantly gets dirty – as soon as … Read more

Plato and the Academy

Plato was born in 427 BC on the seventh day of the month Targelion, which would correspond to the second half of our May. He was born on the same day as the celebration of Apollo’s birth on the island of Delos, which is why he was later called Apollo’s son and messenger. He was … Read more

Meden agan – Nothing Too Much

“Meden agan” is the second most famous inscription on the Temple of Apollo in Delphi. The first and more well-known one, “Gnothiseauton” or “Know Thyself,” was accepted by Socrates as the guiding principle of his philosophy. The saying “Meden agan” is also known in the form of “Metronariston,” which means “Moderation is best,” and in … Read more

Isocrates School of Rhetoric

During the 5th and 4th centuries BC, rhetoric, or the art of beautiful and correct speaking, was considered one of the important civic skills in Athens, and Isocrates was renowned as one of the greatest orators of classical Greece. His principles became the foundation of education in most European schools until the 18th century. Isocrates … Read more


The Renaissance is not an isolated occurrence in the general history of the world. From ancient China to the civilizations of South and Central America, we encounter instances of the revival of extinct cultural values. These periods of rebirth indicate to us the periodicity of significant historical events and the fact that everything created is … Read more

Boethius – The Consolation of Philosophy

Part of a miniature depicting Boethius teaching. Medieval transcript of The Consolation of Philosophy. Boethius’ life Manlius Anicius Severinus Boethius, the last great philosopher of antiquity, born in 480 AD, will make it possible through his works for at least a part of ancient learning to be transmitted to the Middle Ages, which “officially” began … Read more