Human beings, of course, require more or less enclosed spaces to live; it is their living space… similar to the “territory” that animals mark for themselves. We all need to set certain goals, go through trials, endure failures, celebrate successes, and thousands of other things that only reveal to us the horror of the emptiness we subconsciously feel.
This psychological need is reflected in the fact that we attach great importance to time measured in years according to an accepted chronology, as well as to our years that we celebrate on our birthdays, initially arrogantly and jubilantly as we leave behind the limitations of childhood, later with a certain indifference, and finally with a strange “inner hustle” to complete things because we are aware that regardless of warm wishes and the light of many candles, the oil in our life lamp is running out, and no one wants to leave life without shaping some things, projects on the way to recognition, books or works, poems or… so much more!
And as we face the With every new year, many of us wonder how to approach the new cycle in a fresh way, how to make real progress and achieve what we couldn’t in the previous year.
But you are philosophers…
About a thousand years ago, other philosophers who were also kabbalists compared the growth of a human being to the growth of a tree. I don’t remember the exact parable, but it referred to the fact that if we want to help a tree grow, we must nurture it while it is still very young, water it, prune it, and protect it from weeds. Gradually, unnoticed, it will grow and become stronger thanks to a good gardener who never forgets that God is the best gardener. New mechanistic techniques in psychology, advising you to carefully monitor every day in order to see how much you’re growing, are very harmful. This creates a sense of anxiety, because no one can notice their growth on a daily basis. In this way, an irrational person will observe the tree, hoping to see it grow moment by moment. The wise person simply takes care of the tree and knows that it grows because it reveals itself from time to time, without surprises and without anxiety.
You should do the same with yourself. Do not attach too much importance to yourself. Be humble and diligent. Water the inner tree (“pillar of stability”) and take care of it at all times and every day, but do not constantly think about how much you have progressed. You should have internal security that you are progressing, but not a psychopathic anxiety of constantly monitoring yourself that ends in self-hypnosis and gloomy madness of feeling failure. Have faith, joy, and hope. Have inner pride as well… You are philosophers! Do not rely on the fruits of action and do not be enchanted by the charms of the illusion game. In short, face this year in a simple way, almost as if it doesn’t exist, with wisdom and tranquility.