A Room for a Better World

It is not uncommon to hear that various institutions are organizing campaigns, forums, and other events aimed at sensitizing people to unity and peace.

All these efforts not only deserve praise but are also necessary in a world that is globalized by economy, but not by universal values.

It is encouraging to see an increasing sensitivity towards these issues, as well as the many initiatives and movements that seek to promote peace, the only possible framework in which a person can fully express the richness of their human nature. These initiatives aim to establish reasonable bridges of communication that rise above everything that divides us, so that we can meet in that universal and human essence that unites us. Most of these initiatives come to the same conclusion: contracts based solely on socioeconomic interests, without a foundation in true development and a humanistic culture, fraternity, and the essential unity of humanity, do not work. They only postpone conflicts, while bitterness and hatred continue to grow. Dialogue with It cannot be imposed; it arises from human values, which are far from fundamentalism, selfishness, and fears. I have noted some ideas that seem interesting to me when discussing the need for building sustainable peace in the world. They summarize, but do not exhaust, numerous proposals of philosophy in its efforts to bring us to the root of the problem and achieve peace. When we speak about harmony and dialogue, it is necessary to respect the dignity of others, sincere love is necessary, not just respect for a person. It is important to recognize that above my opinion and truth and someone else’s opinion and truth, there is a higher point of harmonization that encompasses and transcends them both. We must strive for that, surpassing our own prejudices and habits – because they are temporary and, although useful in a given moment, they are necessarily temporary, transient, and subject to change. Therefore, it is necessary to distinguish between passing and secondary from lasting and universal, because sometimes we attach more to the form than to the profound values. In order to come to In order to achieve peace, it is necessary to restore trust in people, religious and political leaders, society, and individuals. Therefore, authenticity and self-connection are crucial.

Additionally, it is important to recognize the driving force of ideas, attitudes, and actions that mass media communication has on a global level.

The path to peace and true well-being for humanity is more related to awakening reasoning and inner maturity than blind obedience to laws, whether civil or religious. If kindness and intelligence are not born from the inner source, they will not be real.

It is necessary to largely overcome selfishness, which makes us inclined to look the other way so as not to lose any of our comforts or privileges while working for the benefit of all.

But basic sustainable economic development is also important, as it can eradicate poverty worldwide. Because people and nations who are struggling to survive and cannot achieve dignified conditions in which they can thrive. About individuals, they can perceive nothing other than what concerns their own despair. This obligation should be assumed by politicians who should sincerely and authentically dedicate themselves to solving this problem. The effort to establish dialogue for peace must not be driven by fear for our own well-being. The danger is that in the pursuit of consensus, we fall into the comfort of relativizing everything, a stance that does not commit us to any obligation in life. Peace is not defeat and surrender, but a continuous fight for values that unite us.
Perhaps it is time to appreciate coexistence more…
We could add much more to continue this line of thought, as connected thoughts are likely emerging in the readers themselves. However, the moment has certainly come for personal true commitment to peace because peace must be born first, not from agreements among people, but from an intimate and personal covenant with oneself that will manifest as morality, generosity, wisdom, and love. Unfortunately, the given text “ć” does not provide any context or meaning. Could you please provide a complete sentence or a phrase for translation?