Today I saw a droplet of water. It’s interesting how much we need to see, and over a long period of time, in order to truly notice a droplet of water.
When the demands are too big, we often dream about big things, knowledge, big mysteries, and big words… So, what is so interesting about a droplet of water escapes our sight. Because, what’s so fascinating about a droplet of water?
But over time, as our cup of life fills up, we see a complete synthesis of the complex in the simplest things. So the smallest thing becomes something infinitely big. The droplet of water shines like the universe itself. In that tiny droplet of water, I saw how its shape approaches a sphere and thus the perfection that every being strives for.
Its rounded lines spoke to me of the lasting effort to smooth out sharp edges, to correct imperfections. They spoke to me of the distant, yet simultaneously present harmony that reigns in the cosmos and its eternal circularity.
I saw its transparency – while the bodies of stones, żi+
The wilderness and humans are impermeable, a drop of water completely lets light through and thus spills an array of marvelous colors on its journey. While we do not see and do not allow others to see through us, the drop of water opens up to the world, crystal-clear, to receive and surrender to it entirely. In its transparency, nothing is held back, and everything circulates with the same force as the world travels toward its destiny.
I saw – with the eyes of experience and imagination – numerous tiny animal shapes living and feeding within the drop of water. It is transparent, yet full of life and many small bodies no larger than atoms that inhabit it as if it were the largest planet.
I saw its minuteness. Far from being small in every aspect – quite the opposite, I discovered that a large amount of matter is not necessary for what it expresses. Despite its compact form, the drop of water expresses everything that is needed.
When the big and small come together in such a miraculous way, when we see that the cosmos and the drop and similar waters, when in simple purity of what we have never noticed before, we suddenly see thousands of secrets, the mystery of a new form of expression is revealed to us. Then we can more easily understand and be understood by others in a different way, we listen and speak in a different way.
Today, verbosity and heavy theorizing, like a thick layer of mud, cover our ignorance and fear of the infinite. The more we speak and the more definitions we have, the more unclear our explanations become, the more our ignorance of what we are trying to explain becomes evident. Conversely, the simplicity of a drop requires simplicity of soul, feeling, thought and language.
We fear the infinite when we allow ourselves to be overcome by the fear of something that has no end, and is truly endless, but has a unit of measure or criterion by which we can perceive it. Our mind cannot comprehend the infinitely large; our imagination cannot comprehend the infinitely small and indivisible; a water drop is an example of how something small hides even smaller forms of life. That’s when even a little becomes big – and like a little can dive into the ocean – and then it’s small.
Today I saw a drop of water… and that image completed all the other images I had. Today I saw how little and how insignificant what I needed to see was.
Excerpt from the work: Hoy vi, Delia Steinberg Guzmán