Puppets and Marionettes – Origin, Symbolism, and History

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What is the art of puppets and marionettes? Art is the expression of beauty and if beauty, as Plato says, reflects the archetype or idea of beauty, then the art of marionettes contains within it the beauty of image, text, music, and harmony of the entire performance. True art carries a profound message that speaks … Read more

Sources of Dance

Throughout history, we encounter a man who dances at birth, death, work, rest, religious ceremonies, war, and peace. In the search for the origins of dance, we inevitably come to the conclusion that dance was initially considered a sacred act and was most directly connected to the spiritual side of the life of each culture. … Read more

Temples of India

The Indian Hindu temple is a reflection of millennia of cultural development, deep religiosity and mysticism, art that captivates with its beauty, and science that reveals a profound understanding of natural laws. Tens of thousands of temples on the Indian subcontinent convey scenes from the great epics of the Mahabharata and Ramayana, the fables of … Read more

Culture of Valdivia

In every historical period, people strive to achieve a certain order of life that will enable them material and human progress. This is how cultures and civilizations emerge, opening up space for various forms of human expression over time and space. Looking back, regardless of differences and temporal-spatial distance, we recognize something deeply human in … Read more

Greek Mysteries

Although we know a lot about art, philosophy, medicine, mathematics, and other sciences of ancient Greece, the cradle of Western culture and civilization, in the depths of time lies the heart of ancient Greece from which everything we know about this culture was born, and those are the mysteries. Almost all great artists, playwrights, philosophers, … Read more

Göbekli Tepe

tute) je pokrenuo istraživanja na ovom lokalitetu 1995. godine. Otkriveno je da je Göbekli Tepe zapravo najstariji poznati hramski kompleks na svijetu, star oko 12 tisuća godina. Temelji se sastoje od ogromnih kamenih stupova, isklesanih i ukrašenih prikazima životinja i geometrijskim uzorcima. Ovi nalazi povukli su reviziju povijesti ljudske civilizacije, jer pokazuju da su ljudi … Read more

Benin Bronzes – Stories Written on Metal

When I lay my eyes on a Benin bronze, I must admire the skill of combining technology and artistic inspiration – their inseparable fusion. And within me grows a feeling of immense pride… Wole Soyinka, Nigerian poet and writer, recipient of the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1986. The art of the Kingdom of Benin … Read more

Moon and weather

oon (kao i njegov prikaz na crtežu Galileja) omogućuje ljudima da razumiju i prate prolazak vremena. Priča djevojčice i Mjeseca prikazuje kako su ljudi kroz generacije svoje živote povezivali s promjenama na Mjesecu. Mjesec je postao simbol ritma i ciklusa vremena, kao i njegove povezanosti s prirodom i životnom stvarnošću. is woven into the story … Read more


Mandalas, as complex symbols, originated in the cultural tradition of tantric Buddhism, but the fundamental idea of the mandala is not solely limited to the Far East. It is present in the architecture, art, and philosophy of all cultures throughout human history, making the concept of connecting the divine and human worlds into a harmonious … Read more

Lunar World

Looking at it purely scientifically, the Moon, an indispensable adornment of romantic moments, is merely a huge lifeless mass orbiting the Earth. However, for humans in the past, the Moon had a multiple role: it was not only a precious light for the nocturnal traveler, but the regular rhythm of the Moon’s phases formed the … Read more