Arch of Triumphs in the Roman Empire

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Roman culture, the last great culture of the ancient world, was created on the Hellenistic heritage. However, Greek and Roman cultures were based on different value systems. Greek artists were deeply religious and their greatest architectural achievement was the temple. In their artistic expression, they sought the universal, the ideal form, and they sought harmony … Read more

Urania – The Muse of Astronomy

Today I saw Urania, the muse of stars, the Celestial, and it was enough to just look up. However, it is difficult to look up today… We are far from the muse, blind to sublime inspiration, because we have learned to love the chains and shackles that bind us more and more to the earth. … Read more

Plato’s Seventh Letter

When Plato first arrived in Syracuse at the age of forty in 388 BC, Dionysius the Elder, a suspicious and violent ruler, was in power and seeking to strengthen and expand his rule. By visiting Syracuse, a wealthy and powerful ancient Mediterranean city at the time, Plato aimed to encourage its ruler Dionysius the Elder, … Read more

Collaboration, laws and myth – foundations of civilization

According to Yuval Noah Harari, the author of the books Sapiens, Homo Deus, and other bestsellers, the reason why human beings began to dominate the planet is not because we were more intelligent, but because we learned to cooperate. In order to achieve cooperation, we need rules or laws that we all accept and adhere … Read more

Philosophy of History – the Key to the Past, Present, and Future

There is an old Eastern proverb that says: The past is now, as is the future, which, although not yet in existence, already is. According to the Eastern view of time, reality exists outside the framework of time, and what we experientially perceive as separate phases are actually parts of the simultaneous reality. This is … Read more

Francis Bacon – On Enlightenment

Francis Bacon – On Revenge Revenge is a kind of wild justice, and the more human nature strives for it, the more the law needs to eradicate it. Because as far as the first injustice committed is concerned, it only offends the law; but revenge on that injustice renders the law obsolete. Indeed, the one … Read more

Apollonius – On Harmony

Apolonius – On Harmony Apolonius of Tyana was a Greek philosopher, neoplatonic, teacher, and mystic from the 1st century. Throughout his life, he received knowledge from wise people he encountered and visited on his numerous journeys, and he himself became a renowned teacher. He would teach and advise those who were willing to listen on … Read more