Is there free will?

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The question of free will is one of the oldest and most enduring questions faced by humanity. It was contemplated by the ancient Greeks in their tragedies, such as in King Oedipus, where it appears that the hero’s fate is predetermined, regardless of his efforts to prevent or change it. The Greeks, and their cultural … Read more

Ecology and Buddhism

“We need to develop a sense of general responsibility towards the various problems our planet is facing. Responsibility does not lie solely with the leaders of our countries or those appointed or elected to do a specific job. It lies with each and every one of us individually. Peace, for example, begins within each of … Read more

Philosophy of the Upanishads

According to Indian tradition, their authors were ancient sages, known as rishis, whose wisdom was transmitted orally from teacher to student. This is indicated by the very word upa-ni-sad, upa (beside), ni (down), sad (to sit), which signifies a student sitting at the feet of a teacher and receiving his teachings. Another interpretation takes the … Read more

Dhammapada – Path of Righteousness

In the rich treasury of Asian culture, Buddhism occupies a significant place as a phenomenon that has shaped the thinking, customs, art, philosophy, and religion of various peoples and connected the vast expanses of this continent. By the end of the 6th century BC, it spread throughout India and, by the 7th century, encompassed Turkestan, … Read more

Buddhist Philosophy – the Power of the Mind

One question that is frequently asked about Buddhism is whether it is a religion or a philosophy, and different experts give different answers. According to Indian philosopher Mysore Hiriyanni (Basic Features of Indian Philosophy), Buddhism “started as a religion and was soon forced to become a philosophy as it had to defend itself against the … Read more