Athenian School

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to uronimo u njezinu simboliku i interpretiramo je na dubljoj razini. Slike Rafaela Santija uvijek su nosile slojevita značenja i Atenska škola nije iznimka. Putovanje u prošlost nam pruža priliku da istražimo različite kulture i razumijemo njihov utjecaj na današnje vrijeme. Susresti se s velikanima povijesti omogućuje nam da se inspiriramo njihovom vizijom i razumijemo … Read more

Theorem of Dignity

Mindfulness is the conscious and compassionate observation of the moment, without judgment or evaluation. Through regular practice of mindfulness, we can become aware of our own thoughts, emotions, and reactions, and learn how to accept and transform them in a positive way. Therefore, dignity is the ability to maintain internal discipline and use our awareness … Read more

Fridtjof Nansen

Fridtjof Nansen is one of the heroes of recent European history. He lived in the second half of the 19th and first half of the 20th century, during a time of political turmoil and wars, and in a period of recovery from their consequences. He was a scientist, explorer, diplomat, and peacemaker. He considered himself … Read more

A Sound Mind in a Sound Body

When today someone says, “A sound mind in a sound body” (Mens sana in corpore sano), it does not primarily refer to mental health, but only to what promotes the vitality of the body, such as sports, recreation, exercise… It refers to taking care of the body, and mental health is just a physical state, … Read more

Three times a change

Many of us want to change the world, but how can we achieve that? First of all, it is obvious that we don’t just aim to change the world – the world is already changing, regardless of what we do. The ancient philosophers wisely claimed that the only constant in nature is change. In reality, … Read more

History of 19th Century Philosophy

History of 19th Century Philosophy The 19th century philosophy is primarily a period in which romanticism and idealism reached their peak in German philosophy. Similarly, it is observed that materialism gained new depth and prominence. In French philosophy, on one hand, reformist thinkers such as Charles Fourier, Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, and Claude Henri de Saint-Simon can … Read more