Mahabharata – Part II

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TIME CYCLES Describing the changes and decline of moral values, Mahabharata explains the succession of yugas, the great cycles of human existence. “Yuga, known as krta, is a period in which there is only one immutable faith. In this best of yugas, everyone is a flawless believer, and there is no need for actions to … Read more

Is there free will?

The question of free will is one of the oldest and most enduring questions faced by humanity. It was contemplated by the ancient Greeks in their tragedies, such as in King Oedipus, where it appears that the hero’s fate is predetermined, regardless of his efforts to prevent or change it. The Greeks, and their cultural … Read more

Law of Dharma – Fulfilling Duty

Classical philosophies, both in the East and in the West, have viewed the world as an orderly whole. From celestial bodies to the tiniest beings on Earth, everything is subject to the laws of nature. They shape and harmonize life, giving it rhythm and regularity in expression, as well as vitality, balance, and beauty. This … Read more

Ancient India – Learning about Reincarnation

The concept of death has always been associated with the mystery of life: an enigmatic cause, an unknown purpose, and countless paths that can lead a person to that purpose. Throughout history, people have questioned the meaning of their own existence, and the inevitable phenomenon of parting with life has represented an important unknown in … Read more

Oral Comeback

According to ancient Chinese teachings attributed to the Yellow Emperor (Huang Ti) and reintroduced by Lao Tzu, the power of the Way (Tao) is in everything. Man’s task is to return to Tao through the practice of the virtue of the Way (te) that encompasses everything. To achieve this, one must master two ways of … Read more

Philosophy of the Upanishads

According to Indian tradition, their authors were ancient sages, known as rishis, whose wisdom was transmitted orally from teacher to student. This is indicated by the very word upa-ni-sad, upa (beside), ni (down), sad (to sit), which signifies a student sitting at the feet of a teacher and receiving his teachings. Another interpretation takes the … Read more