Although constructive and destructive criticisms are often mentioned, we disagree with this division because everyday experience shows that criticisms are always destructive. The problem is not in the criticism itself as a rational process, but in the person who acts guided by their emotional and subjective impulses instead of sound reason.
We live in a world that wears a mask of security and reliability, but deep within every human being, insecurity, doubt, and fear manifest themselves, more or less visibly. The possibility of action and creation is significantly diminished; the ability to understand and solve problems is reduced due to the ignorance that exists in all areas. People protect themselves by hiding their fears and helplessness under the mask of criticism. Generally speaking, everything has become the subject of criticism, and of course, it is destructive because the worse others are, the better the one who unconsciously defends themselves by hiding their own shortcomings feels. The one who criticizes is automatically the one who knows, the one who supposedly can do everything. One who criticizes never tries to find anything good in anything or anyone; they do not justify any mistakes; they do not forgive even the slightest flaw. The one who criticizes believes they possess the complete truth and considers themselves free from any mistakes. At best, they will only save their praises, longer or shorter depending on the need, for a person, group, or social group in which they feel protected. The one who criticizes always takes great care not to start implementing their ideas in practice, as there is no better way to see how they themselves can become the subject of criticism equal to or even worse than theirs. Criticism begets criticism; malice breeds only malice.
This does not mean that we should close our eyes, ears, and mouths and allow everything that, objectively speaking, is considered wrong. We believe that there are numerous ways to point out mistakes and many ways to channel a critical spirit towards oneself. I would be in search of improvement that would at least justify such criticism. Despite the commonly accepted misconceptions we adhere to due to our distorted way of life, it is certain that there are people of goodwill in the world. There is certainly nothing more beautiful than acknowledging these people and encouraging them. And it is also certain that if we do not find anything worthwhile, there is no more constructive criticism than starting to work on something we believe is good and possible. An example is still the best lesson, the best proof, and the strongest argument.