Time, that peculiar dimension from which man cannot escape, has a wide range of expressions and in its richness allows us to live caught in it, but also to sometimes feel comfortable in it.
There are numerous ways in which time can be measured, and only one of them relates to the clock. For our heart, mind, and spirit, instead, different modalities of time perception open up, making it seem as if we are moving in another dimension.
There are, logically, short and long periods: time for daily and immediate tasks, and time for human achievements of a wide range, those that belong to the future.
Short time is measured by the clock and manifests itself in the constant wearing out of our bodies. Long time not only does not wear out, but it enriches the soul, bringing it into contact with the idea of eternity.
In which time should man live? If we consider different human possibilities, he must live in each of them, finding the right measure for each of his levels of expression. Every day something can and must be done within time. Every day small or big problems arise that need to be solved or started to be solved. Every day a new useful experience appears that we need to adopt. Every day, we can grow a little more within those small frames that mark the hours and minutes.
However, original human activity doesn’t stop here, and certainly doesn’t just begin. Apart from daily plans and their achievements, as immortal beings, we must determine other far-reaching guidelines that also require a long breath.
We need more time and more ability to move our dreams forward, more faith in a future that we still don’t see but anticipate with our most intimate and subtle emotions.
One time is not in opposition to the other. The present time, with its daily vision, doesn’t hinder the vision of infinity because humans possess material and metaphysical aspects; everyone has their own time, their own way of working, their own The way to achieve results and one’s own way of waiting. In a short time, waiting is called patience; in a long time, waiting is called faith.
Just as it is natural for some plants to take more time to grow, there are human goals that emerge in a few days and those that only blossom after many years, so many years that the same person will no longer be able to rejoice in the fruit. But is that important?
If we are truly aware of our immortality, those dreams that will come true after a long time will still carry the trace of our efforts, and the people who will be able to enjoy those successes will see the unique trace of progressing humanity…