Photographs in the press have accustomed us to the most horrifying scenes that show the widespread poverty that a large part of humanity is facing. Hunger is like a savage claw that surpasses even the most severe diseases because, like in the case of serious illnesses, there is no remedy effective enough to stop it.
However, we believe that hunger is spreading more and more, it doesn’t only affect the body, but gradually erodes everything that characterizes humanity. That is why we will try to define and identify some areas where poverty leaves the strongest traces.
Physical hunger
There are millions who have nothing to eat. In Africa alone, according to statistics, more than thirty million people have died of hunger in recent years…
One might think that hunger affects those who live in poor, desert countries, and that is partially true. But even those who have fertile land are dying of starvation because they lack the means and opportunities to cultivate and make use of it. In the present t In both infertile and fertile areas, people equally experience scarcity, unable to take advantage of the opportunities available to them, either due to lack of knowledge or inability.
Physical hunger is influenced by a series of interests that, although not clearly evident, clearly exist. These interests develop certain parts of the planet at the expense of others. The favored regions also cannot freely produce what is lacking for others: there is a limit to production determined by the international market – new forces that guide our destinies by setting prices for goods and manipulating invisible strings to ensure these prices never fall. There is a large quantity of food that never reaches anywhere, simply because there is no interest, no organized transportation, and because distributing it could lead to starvation-induced killings. So, it is more advisable to destroy or throw these food items into the sea. There are numerous donations that are halted by bureaucratic procedures, hardly ever reaching the hands of those in need. Those who suffer because of the “madness of the soul” bravely help the poor, the sick, the wretched, idealists who usually pay with their own lives for this altruistic attempt that dies with such individuals because there is no organized way to intelligently direct their efforts. Perhaps because they are not valued in the market?
At the same time, another part of humanity voluntarily starves to approach the fashion of well-groomed figures. These are the people who improperly nourish themselves precisely because they have a lot of money or feel obliged to eat what is prescribed in a certain society or satisfy their consumer desires with forced appetite. This is an attack on health. The first one, which relates to real poverty, is an attack on life.
From time to time, our consciousness receives a call through sad photographs – which unfortunately are real – photographs of children like Skeletons, mothers so thin they can’t feed their children, people who can’t get up and work… These images come to us from the remains of colonies and countries that are now proudly called independent. Independent from what, from whom? Who continues to keep them subjugated, leaving them to kill each other in tribal, ethnic, and religious wars?
Energy hunger
There are no vampires sucking the blood of people and leaving them without energy. There are other forms that exhaust people. There are groups of powerful people – about whom we know little or almost nothing – who manipulate money. There are extremely high taxes that suffocate those who work, and the results are not always obvious to those affected by it. judska energy is scarce, very scarce. There are slaves again, if they ever stopped existing at all. The new slaves are those who work harder and harder to get the same or even less resources to cover their needs. Their masters are unseen, but they are no less cruel. The new slaves are young people who lack experience and old people who beg for work because there is no place for them, unless that place is again a hypocritical exploitation. They are the ones who are forced to endure various forms of humiliation to keep a job that allows them to earn a living or maintain a certain status required within a society.
There are also other slaves who continue to exist, those who have always been, human beings who are bought and sold, those who pass from the hands of one master to another, those who are deceived by a fabricated paradise to tie them to stagnant swamps, in the midst of the most sophisticated cities in the world. They are the ones who live worse than animals and who are subjected to They beat without mercy when they no longer serve any purpose. Air is energy, and we are hungry for clean air. Every day we breathe in more impurities and mindlessly pollute the atmosphere because it is demanded by physical, chemical, or atomic experiments that will bring more money.
There is a true scourge of energy hunger, whether it is in the air we breathe or in the money we don’t possess, and it is transmitted as fatigue, depression, worry, as daily humiliation in poverty or the perception of poverty in the future.
Feeling hungry.
Over time, emotions, at least in the most civilized countries, have been replaced by instincts. But since instincts are not adequate nourishment for the psyche, man dies of hunger on that level.
Everyone dreams of loving and being loved. Even those who deny it the most do so because of pain and despair, not because they deny that vital and irreplaceable feeling. Everyone dreams of love that will last more than four days, of love that will not dissipate with one. through celebration, vacation, a glass of alcohol, or the deception of drugs.
Unfortunately, there are few who succeed in living serious and powerful emotions such as love, the vibration that beauty, kindness, and justice give. The vast majority aimlessly wander through life like hungry beggars, skillfully disguised to pretend to have wealth of emotions they don’t possess and don’t know how to attain.
The hunger for emotions is called loneliness. It’s not physical loneliness, but the other kind, internal loneliness that kills a person like thirst, without knowing where to find the miraculous source from which they can drink.
How many lonely beings are there in the world!
Meanwhile, the international market, which encompasses everything, sells us thousands of idols and illusions of friendships that, once they disappear, leave us even lonelier, even more humiliated, deceived, and even more powerless to find a way out of this misery. But how can we escape it if we can’t recognize or understand it? It is felt, sometimes accepted, sometimes denied. but it is unknown where it comes from or how to oppose it.
On the emotional level, there are also sad skeletons of lonely people: abandoned and abused children, elderly people that nobody wants in their home, incurable patients… Meanwhile, the “overfed” with fake, crude, corrupted, and violent emotions are multiplying, instead of nourishing the soul, they increasingly roughen and numb it, until only bones are left.
Intellectual hunger
In this area, good food is equally lacking. For a long time now, there have been no pure, healthy, eternal ideas, directed towards the development of the mind. The market offers only plans and projects, low and vulgar sophisms, entertainment for those who are outside the boundaries of the natural.
There are exceptions, we know, but they are so rare… Literature seems to have to talk about a corpse to have style; poetry needs to remove rhyme and rhythm to be free; theater needs to portray the misery of life, madness, or frivolous laughter that solves nothing; film is satisfied with images that They confuse us, not giving us answers; the one who paints smears the canvas, and the one who carves does it in contempt for an already degraded aesthetic criterion. Philosophy is disappearing from school programs, and history is reaching its end…
Who would think about anything then?
The hunger we endure is more mental, rational, moral, and spiritual than intellectual. The much-mentioned difference between humans and animals – reasoning – is less and less observed.
On the contrary, animals are the ones taken as an example of loyalty, dexterity, survival skills, and living in accordance with Nature.
We wouldn’t be so hungry if we truly thought.
But every time a person embarked on the path of progress, they did so by thinking. They emerged from the cave thinking; they built cities thinking; they matured and approached the gods through their mind and intuition. By thinking, they discovered their most valuable emotions and allowed them to be expressed. They would replenish their strength through thinking whenever they were oppressed, and they knew how to sow and reap the fruits of the earth through thinking.
The world is hungry because it is asleep. No one can produce or eat while asleep. We must open our eyes, up, high, open our hearts and hands, and abundance will come, as always, from within and from above to below. We must think, feel, and act for hunger to disappear.